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There were a lot of emails that were what Melinda called “spam”—apparently junk content full of offers that were untrue or outright falsehoods. There was one, however, that intrigued him.

Girls broken by a cruel Master! screamed the e-mail. See these fresh young hotties—barely eighteen—put in their place!

It was the “broken” part that caught Liosh’s eye. It made him think of what Melinda had said—that she was broken somehow. Could this have anything to do with what she had told him?

Though she had warned him not to click on any links, he decided to chance it just once. Anything that might give him more information about what the woman he loved was upset about was worth risking.

The link opened a site called Bound and Broken. The screen was filled with small boxes, each of them with an arrow in the center, indicating they would play a vid when pressed. The pictures in the boxes were small and grainy and it was difficult to see exactly what was going on in them.

Out of curiosity, Liosh tapped one of the boxes and it expanded to fill the whole laptop screen.

The first thing he saw was a girl who looked to be Melinda’s age or a little younger. The girl had long brown hair and her arms had been yanked up behind her back and tied to a hook in the ceiling above her. It looked like a painful position to Liosh—it forced her to lean over at the waist so that she couldn’t see clearly because half of her hair hung into her eyes.

Her very frightened eyes, Liosh saw, with a growing sense of unease. She was naked and her whole body shivered with fear, her brown eyes rolling as she tried to look around her.

Then a male came into the camera’s view. He was big—much bigger than the girl—and there was a cruel smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

“Hello, you little slut,” he snarled, looking down at her. “Looks like you’re all ready to be raped today.”

Raped? Liosh recoiled from the screen. Surely this couldn’t be real, could it? Surely it was some kind of a joke? If it was, it certainly wasn’t a very funny one. In fact, it was awful but somehow he couldn’t look away.

The girl on the vid certainly seemed to react in a realistic fashion. She moaned and clamped her thighs together tightly, shaking her head.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please, I just…just want to go home.”

“This is Bound and Broken, slut—you’re not going home until you’re broken,” the male said, leering at her. “And we have the legal right to break you—remember, you signed a consent form.”

The girl shook her head wildly.

“I thought this was just regular porn! Nobody said anything about tying me up and…and hurting me!”

The male laughed harshly.

“Guess you should have read the fine print, whore!” He slapped her hard across the face, causing the girl to whimper as tears came to her eyes. “Now spread your legs—you’re about to get broken.”

Melli turned over in bed, wondering what Liosh was watching on TV. She’d just about cried herself out by now and all that was left was a dull, heavy ache in her heart.

She and Liosh could never be together, but she supposed she couldn’t stay in the bedroom the rest of the time he was here. At some point she would have to face the big Kindred.

Maybe they could just watch some TV together and chill, she thought. It was better than hiding in her room, trying to wish her past away.

With a sigh, she got off the bed and opened the door, meaning to ask Liosh what he was watching.

But the words died on her lips.

The Blood Kindred was sitting on the loveseat with her laptop on the coffee table in front of him. Playing on it was a scene that looked like it was straight out of Melli’s recurring nightmares.

There was a girl with tears in her eyes, her arms tied behind her back to make her helpless. She was crying openly as the man on the screen slapped her and spat on her and called her awful names like “whore” and “slut.” Then he went around behind her and started shoving himself inside her with what were obviously hard, painful strokes.

“Is this what you like, slut?” he demanded as the girl screamed and cried, the tears running down her face. “You want to be raped? You want to be my little cum-dump?”

Oh my God, I can’t believe Liosh is watching this! Melinda felt herself shaking and shivering and suddenly she couldn’t get a deep enough breath to fill her lungs. I thought he was one of the good guys. How could he like this kind of thing?

At that moment, the big Kindred bolted off the couch and pushed past her without even saying ‘excuse me.’ He ran into the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before he started to heave.

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Science Fiction