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It was true—the warm musk of spice and leather and smoke was calling to her, making her want to lean forward and kiss him again. Not that she would, Jodi told herself. But still…

“Yeah, your little pussy is calling my name too, baby,” Vorn growled. “We’d better get out of the car before we go at it again. Don’t know if I could stop myself next time from spreading your sweet thighs and lapping up your sweet honey.”

“I don’t know if I’d want you to,” Jodi said honestly, though she felt her cheeks getting hot at the mental image of the big Kindred with his face between her legs tasting her pussy. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the erotic thought. “We really need some fresh air.”

It was surprising how easy it was to talk to him now that the intense tension between them had been broken, she thought. And good to know she wasn’t going crazy. His scent had been affecting her—as apparently, hers had been affecting him.

“Fresh air it is.” Vorn nodded. “Come on, baby—let’s go shopping.”

He got out of the shuttle-car and came around to open her door.

Jodi let him and didn’t even complain about the way he’d called her ‘baby.’ In fact, she almost caught herself thinking it was kind of nice. James never called her anything but “darling” and he said it in such a condescending way…

No, stop that right now, she warned herself. You can’t start thinking negative, derogatory things about your fiancé. You love James and you’re going to marry him, remember?

But why? whispered that skeptical little voice in her head.

Jodi resolutely squashed it and turned to see that Vorn was offering her his arm. The courtly, old-fashioned gesture caught her so much by surprise that she found herself taking it before she could stop.

The big Kindred grinned at her—his smile a white slice in his dark face—and then pulled her towards the door.

The Todd awaited.


Vorn couldn’t believe he and Jodi had finally had it out—or that they’d managed to do it without killing each other. He was really glad they’d cleared the air—both literally and figuratively, he thought dryly. One more night of living with the pissed off and extremely horny Jodi might have done him in.

Or we might have ended up fucking on her bed and ruining both our lives, he thought. Or her life anyway—since she was already engaged to be Joined to another man. For his part, Vorn was actually starting to like the little female and think that maybe being bonded to her wouldn’t be so bad.

Not that that would ever happen. She was, after all, going to get Joined to another male.

A male who doesn’t deserve her, Vorn thought, frowning. A male who won’t even meet her needs. Fucking James is the one who ought to be taking her shopping for new toys—not that Jodi would need them if he’d do right by her.

But that was none of his business. His only job right now was to protect Jodi and keep her happy. And if a whole basket of new toys would do the trick, he was damned-well going to get them. And he was going to keep his hands off.

Still, he couldn’t help remembering the hot, forbidden kiss they’re shared. The taste of her sweet mouth, crushed under his…the feel of her full breasts filling his hands…the needy little moans she’d been making as they devoured each other from the mouth down…

Stop it, Vorn warned himself Stop thinking of her like that. Remember, she’s taken.

Great—but try telling that to his shaft. It was still at full mast from the kiss and the conversation. It was all Vorn could do to keep his hands off her and only knowing that it was wrong to break the vows of a female for another male kept him from it.

The Todd wasn’t nearly the sticky den of iniquity Jodi had imagined it would be. It was brightly lit with fluorescent bulbs and the shelves were laid out in neat rows, almost like a grocery store.

She wandered down an aisle that seemed to be devoted entirely to lube—warming lube…cooling lube…lube that worked with latex…and lube that was only for latex-free toys. She picked up a little tube of pink lube that said,

“Mmm-mmm! Sweet strawberry gel for a pussy that’s finger-licking-good!”

“You don’t need that stuff.” Vorn’s deep voice in her ear startled her and nearly made her drop the little tube.

“What?” She turned around, her heart pounding.

“I said, you don’t need that stuff. Your pussy would taste delicious without it. In fact, any pussy would.” He plucked the tube from her fingers and put it back. “That crap is for males who are too much of a pussy themselves to get on their knees and taste a real pussy. You know?”

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Science Fiction