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And so, the “playroom” was born. Jodi began spending all her extra cash on various accoutrements that struck her fancy. It wasn’t hard to do—since the 50 Shades phenomenon, everything was readily available on the Internet so it wasn’t like she had to go to some sleazy store with no windows and shop in person.

She got sexy outfits like her red, demi-cup leather corset and the black latex dress, not to mention some thigh-high black boots and a riding crop just like the one in the old 9 ½ Weeks movie she’d liked so much when she was younger. A collar that said sex kitten was next and then came the toys…all the wonderful toys.

Some of them were quite expensive. Jodi was working as a TA and didn’t have a lot of cash, though it helped that James paid the rent on the apartment. Sometimes she saved for weeks or even months to get a particular toy that she really wanted. She sighed sadly thinking of the now defunct python which had filled her pussy so delightfully.

One of Jodi’s favorite things to do was go home, put on one of her many naughty outfits, and parade around the apartment. (Only on nights James wasn’t home, of course.) She would watch herself in the mirrors she had set up in nearly every room, sometimes spreading her thighs and feeding a long, thick toy into her pussy, watching, mesmerized, as the girl in the mirror did the same.

As she did, she imagined a range of scenarios and fantasies—imagined being tied down by a cruel master, spanked or punished in some other way. Perhaps he would make her suck his cock, or maybe he would tie her legs apart and lick her pussy until she was trembling and begging to come.

The possibilities were endless and the orgasms were many. When she was dressed in her kink clothes and had her toys to help her, Jodi could be multi-orgasmic and enjoy every minute of it.

The problem was, though, she appeared to have become kind of addicted to her own little sexual fantasy world. Deprived of it, she couldn’t seem to get to where she was going. Each and every impending orgasm simply melted into thin air, leaving Jodi so frustrated she could almost cry!

She felt like crying now, she needed to come so badly. That big bastard, Vorn, had no idea what he had done to her when he’d held her down and whispered those dirty things in her ear! In one way he’d fulfilled a fantasy she’d had for years…and yet left her wanting at the same time. How could he be so cruel, damn him?

Deep down, Jodi was pretty sure that Vorn had no idea what intense desires he had stirred in her. But this whole situation still felt like it was his fault. If it wasn’t for him, she could have gotten the privacy she needed to get off properly, the way she needed to. Instead, he had invaded her home and now he was keeping her from meeting her needs—needs even he admitted she had!

Damn the big asshole, how much longer was he going to be here? And how could she take care of herself until he was gone?

Jodi didn’t have an answer for that. She only knew she had an itch that she couldn’t scratch and it was driving her crazy.

Sighing, she turned on her pillow and tried to go to sleep.


Melli woke up to the smell of something delicious in the air. Mmmm…what was that?

She sat up in bed and frowned when she saw she was sleeping in the twin bed instead of the full one, which was where she usually slept. What was she doing here?

Then she remembered the wonderful night she’d spent with Liosh, just cuddling and talking. The way he was so gentle with her…the way he had tucked her into bed and kissed her goodnight…

The memory made Melli feel warm and tingly all over.

What an amazing guy!

And now it smelled like he was cooking breakfast for her. Talk about a keeper!

Only you can’t keep him, Melli, a little voice in her head whispered. You know you can’t. He might be willing to just cuddle you and tuck you in right now, but you know all guys eventually want sex. And you can’t give that to him—you can’t give it to anyone.

Her stomach clenched with unhappiness and for a moment she felt the cold, gray curtain of depression that had haunted her in high school trying to descend.

But no—she wasn’t going to let that happen to her, Melli decided firmly—though with an effort. She was going to live in the present—not the past or the future. She wasn’t going to project her doubts and worries and speculations onto today—she was just going to enjoy being with Liosh for as long as she could and leave it at that.

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Science Fiction