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I see the cabbie’s eyes widen in the rearview mirror.

Yeah, people like me blabbing in backseats are why cab drivers know so much.

“Oh. That’s…uh… yikes,” Wade says.

“Accurate,” I agree.”

“Right. Okay, just quick, don’t listen to my sister about me. I’m here, okay? Day or night. She’s just pissy today and complained you and me are too close. Crazy, right? Plus, she’s bein’ a little paranoid about someone who’s been nosing around.”

“Nosing around?”

“Yeah. Not sure what the deal is yet, but she’s getting more and more paranoid. Thinks someone’s been tailing her.”

My heart drops.

Jonah or Thad? Jude? I feel like I’m going to hurl.

“What’s… who is it? I mean…”

“Don’t know yet. She’s lookin’ into it. She’s just stressed out and worried. Don’t take it personal. She’ll probably be over herself next time you talk. This happens every couple months and it’s always nothin’ so far. I heard her on the phone with you so wanted you to know what was what with me. I’m here to help you, whenever you need.”

“I appreciate that. I’m not trying to make her life more difficult, I just have… I just like it here and I don’t wanna leave, but she’s right with her advice. I shouldn’t get too comfortable in one place.”

“Yeah. I know. I’m sorry, Alyssa.”

“Thanks, Wade. I better go.”

“Japan is really cool. I went over there in my second year of college for a semester. You’ll love it. If you decide to go, you’ll meet people; you’ll like it. And if you do go, maybe I’ll come visit. Show you around. Stay a couple weeks. I know a little Japanese.”

“That’d be great,” I say.

“The project go well earlier this week?”

“It was great. Your help was a lifesaver. I appreciate you, you know. If you need me to pay for your time, I-”


I bite my lip.

“I’ll let you go. Hope your boss is okay.”

“Thanks, Wade. Me, too.”

Tori would lose her shit on us for using real names.

I hang up and then five minutes later, I’m finally home. Traumatized, but home. Thankfully, it sounds like Mr. C is going to be okay, but he’s having a procedure done and I wasn’t needed so I didn’t stick around at the hospital for too long. I was there long enough to wait until most of the Carmichaels got there, also long enough to get teased and put into a headlock with noogies from Aiden who thinks it’s funny what I walked in on.

I mean, he’s not making light of his father being in mortal peril, but he did think it’s funny that his dad got lucky at work with his secretary and that I walked in on the big event. He told me under his breath his dad hadn’t gotten it ‘up’ in a decade so while his ticker was on the fritz, at least other equipment was now working.

All information I did not need.

Carly slapped him on the arm for that comment and hugged me goodbye.

“Let’s do something tomorrow, okay? Even for a bit. I wanna connect. Feel like we’ve barely done that lately.”

“Your hands’ll likely be full here,” I said, looping my bag over my shoulder, “but if you need anything, let me know.”

“You okay?” she asked.

“Just traumatized. I’ll survive. Hopefully I won’t have too much trouble looking Mr. C in the eye when he’s back to work.” I shuddered.

Alice was coming out of the restroom at that point, so I stopped and squeeze her hand.

“I’m headin’ out. You okay?”

She blew out a breath. “His ex-wife is on her way. This ought to be fun.” Alice rolled her eyes. I’d heard from Carly about how bitchy Aiden’s mother was more than once and witnessed it for myself at the wedding.

“You’re staying for that?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m going nowhere,” Alice replied, something fierce taking over her body language.

“So, you and Mr. C. Not just an office romp?”

“No. And I guess that’ll all go public now. That’s okay. I’m ready. I just hope he is.”

“Staking your claim on your territory?” I asked.

She took a big breath. “With Audra, I’ll have to. Otherwise she’ll walk all over me. Believe me, I’ve dealt with her plenty over the years and it’s time for things to change in how she sees me.”

“Good for you. I hope he’s gonna be okay. I told Carly what happened. What I saw. I was just… it was because it’s an emergency and Carly’s my person. I hope you’re not upset with me for that, but I’ll be discreet.”

“Thanks, Ally. I appreciate that.” Alice patted my arm with a smile that looked genuine.

“If it gets around the office at all, it won’t come from me. Or Carly, I’m sure. Do you want me to stay and keep you company?”

“It’s all right. I’ve got this. Aiden and Carly are always kind to me, too, so I don’t feel abandoned. Thanks for your help today.”

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance