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“I’m not doing that.”


“I just said I don’t think you’re a liability to your job. They think of you as family. I want to know why you lied, what your real name is, and if there’s something you need help with, maybe I can help.”

I shake my head. “I’m just moving on from a life that I was done living.”

“Hiding from the law?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but no.”

“Hiding from an abusive husband? Father? What?”

“Either you go ahead and rat me out or back off. Your choice. I’m not telling you anything. And my father was not an abuser. He got murdered, fuck you very much.”

Jude shrugs. “Don’t tell me. I’ll figure it out myself. I just know that if that did happen to your old man, it didn’t happen in Baltimore when you were fourteen.”


“Don’t bother investigating me further, Jude. It’s totally uninteresting.”

“I think I’ll be the judge of that.”

“How about don’t?”

“You don’t know me real well yet, Ally or whatever your name is, but you should know that when there’s a challenge, I’m all over it. When there’s a puzzle, I’ll work to put it together. Even if it’s a thousand-piece jigsaw and I’m missing five hundred pieces. Don’t care – I’m relentless.”

“It’s all irrelevant and no big deal. I’m just trying to live my life. It’s pointless for you to look into me any further. You won’t find a thing and even if you did, it’s totally boring. Seriously. Save your energy for whatever the real reason is that Mr. C. hired you.”

“I’ll find out your name. And then I’ll find out whatever it is you’re hiding.”

My eyes roll. “You won’t. And even if you did, it’s pointless because it doesn’t matter what my name is or isn’t. If it’s really about my job at CC, just know that I rock my job and I’m not doing anything wrong related to it.”

“Wanna make a bet?” he invites.

“I’m not interested in playing your games, buddy.”

“I think you are.” He sifts a hand through my hair but stops before his fingers clear it and is suddenly cupping my head in his palm. He brings my face closer to him and I see more glitter on his clothes, on his cheek. “I think you’re afraid to let anyone get close, but I don’t know why. I also know I wanna get close.”

My heart somersaults twice, but I guard my expression.

“I wanna know why you’re scared and I wanna help you feel safe enough to let those walls down for me. I’m not tellin’ anyone anything about you at this stage because I have a strong feeling you’re not a threat to anybody but yourself.”

If only that were true.

I realize my eyes have drifted half-closed and I’m sort of leaning into his touch, so I shake myself free and take another step back.

Immediately, he leans forward. “I’ll find out who you are and what your story is. Why don’t you save me the trouble and just tell me now?”

“There’s no story to tell. Nothing salacious or interesting, anyway. I’m just moving forward. That’s all.”

“What’s your real name?” he asks.

“I’m just Ally.” I shrug.

“Tell me, or I’ll find out.”

“What if I just ask you to let it go? Just…” I sweep my hands together. “Let it go. Believe me when I say there’s no reason for you to dig into me.”

He studies me for a minute, eyes roving my face.

And then he sucks on his lower lip as if in thought. My eyes are on his mouth for a second and then hope springs. Maybe he’ll let it go. Will he?

“Naw,” he says. “I need to know. I got a bad feeling about this, Vixen. Can’t ignore my gut. My gut tells me you’re lying.”

“You don’t need to know,” I snap.

“I think I do.”

I scowl. Fuck.


“You’ll never find out,” I vow.

His eyes light up like I’ve just said something that supremely pleases him. “Care to make it interesting?”


Fuck no.

“If I find out your name, what are the stakes?”

“I’m not playing.”

“We’re playin’. If I find out your real name in less than a week, you sleep with me again.”

“Pff. You are a total pig.”

Like… seriously. What. A. Jerk. But why, then, do my panties suddenly feel like they’re hot?



“Because you’re afraid to lose? And you’re afraid in general?”

“Because I’m not interested in playing games, my name is irrelevant, and I’m also not remotely interested in sleeping with you.”

“I made you come harder than you’ve come in your life.”

“Aren’t you full of yourself?”

“Is it a lie?”

“Who knows? I’ve lost count of my many amazing sexual partners. You were good, I’ll give you that. The best? That’s probably a stretch.”

“Give me another night to rock your world, baby. Get you relaxed enough, maybe you’ll feel safe enough to talk to me.”

“I’m relaxed just fine.”

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance