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After that, I take the time to get Austin the information he wants about his roommate, Jada Miller, and we head over to my ma’s for an impromptu lasagna dinner that Baka made special for Ally. I tried to get out of it, but she insists, since we couldn’t be there Sunday. Ally insists that we walk over, which I regret on the way home when I’m stuffed to the brim with food and feeling a little too exposed. That sensation I had this morning is back. The uneasiness.

Baka has never liked anyone I’ve dated, never wanted to spend time with any of them. Until now.

We walk home well after dark and I still can’t shake that something feels wrong. Like shit is about to fall apart.

I’m extra watchful, though she’s thankfully oblivious and seems relaxed. Holding my hand as we walk, swinging it carefree. She’s being sweet and cuddly and looks more relaxed than I’ve seen her.

As we approach my place and I engage the app to open the garage door for us, she tells me she’s having Ash pick her up in the morning and dropping Ralphie off for a vet appointment to check his healing and asks if I can pick him up at some point in the afternoon. Before I have a chance to answer, my phone is ringing and it’s my contact Craig in Ohio.

“One sec, baby,” I say and linger in the garage while she heads up the steps.

“Hey Craig; Jude here.”

“Jude, man. That gun your girl handed over? Connected to a murder investigation from March in which Thaddeus Steele was the primary suspect. They’re arresting him in the morning.”

“Holy shit.”

We talk for a few more minutes and he fills me in on some stuff I’m not sure how to process. I need to digest it for a bit before I talk to Ally.

After I end the call, I find my little vixen in the kitchen feeding the two cats. Ralphie is trying to climb up her pantleg.

“Baby,” I greet. She sets the two dishes of cat food on the mat on the floor and gives me her attention.

“Thad Steele is getting arrested in the morning for murder one.”

She freezes and stares in shock.

I put my arms around her. “Thanks to you handing that gun over.”

“Oh my God.”

“It’s almost over.”

“Yeah. Maybe. Hopefully.”

“We’re getting closer,” I assure.

“But what about Jonah?” she asks.

I clench my teeth. Jonah. Jonah Steele is another fucking story altogether.

“And what about the rest of that family? They’re a big family and they all might be after me now. They’ll know I handed that gun over, Jude. Oh my God.” She’s trembling.

I lift her into my arms and carry her upstairs to bed and hold onto her, trying to calm her down.

I’m supposed to head out for a stakeout, but I don’t wanna leave her. I decide I’ll ask Julian to take that shift for me.

She trembles in my arms, seeming like she wants to burrow under my skin.

“Ally, it’s a step closer to done. There’s more being looked into and we’ll know more after he’s arrested. I’ll have more to tell you tomorrow, but babe, this is good news. Don’t start feeling worse.”

I kiss her forehead and she lifts her trembling chin and looks into my eyes.

“I worry it’s not over, that they’ll work harder to try to find me. And more people know where I am, Jude. What if someone is a double agent? I’ve seen the movies, I see what lengths they go through to try to figure out who the witnesses are. Am I going to have to testify?”

“It’s possible. I don’t know, but Ally, trust me when I tell you-”

“Oh my God!” she cuts me off, like she’s somewhere else. “I gave away all the money and I have no way to run and hide now. My God, what the fuck have I done?”

I grab her face and make her look at me.

“You’re putting a murderer in jail, Alyssa. That’s not a bad thing; it’s not a stupid thing. It’s the right thing. And it means closure for a family who lost someone.”

“You’re right. I know,” she whispers, nodding, eyes filled with tears. “I just can’t imagine I’m getting through this unscathed, you know?”

“I am doing my best to make sure that happens, baby, and you have to believe me, I’m gonna make sure it happens.”

“I love you, Jude.”

“I love you, too, Ally.”

“Thank you for doing this for me. Thank you for not giving up on me when I was such a pain in your ass that you really, really should’ve.”

I grind my teeth, holding her close until she settles down and eventually falls asleep.

I keep holding her while digesting what Craig just told me on the phone about her ex.

Shit may be clearing up in one area with the Steele family, but it’s pretty fucking complicated.

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance