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When I get out of Fred/Rex’s car, the garage door is opening up and Jude is at the top of the stairs waiting to greet me with his pink-haired aunt beside him bouncing up and down excitedly.

I get to the top of the stairs, and they make room for me, but no sooner does Jude have his lips on mine in a greeting before my hand is being tugged by his aunt who can’t wait to tell me all about how her friends at her day program loved her hair, asking if I can come there one day so I can meet everyone.

Jude disappoints her by saying I work on the days she goes and I’m ready to offer to take a day off work when I hear Baka’s voice on the living room and kitchen level.

“There’s an open house in a few weeks on a Saturday afternoon,” Baka says, obviously hearing the conversation. She’s setting the dinner table. “You can go then. We all will.”

“Group outing. Sounds like a plan,” I agree and now Ivana is happy again.

Jude’s place is bustling with people and filled with great smells.

No Uncle Niko or Stana today but everyone else is here with the addition of Luka’s girlfriend, Abby, who I’m introduced to after getting hugs from Jude’s brothers.

Prabaka waves from the loveseat, so I go over and she takes my hand. “We’re having tacos.” She smiles at me and she has teeth in today.

Georgie sits beside her, grooming, so I pet Georgie on the head quickly and then rub my palms together.

“Oh yum. A fiesta! I wish I had my fiesta clothes on.”

I hear Baka’s voice behind me. “You’re always dressed like it’s a costume party from what I see.” She looks me over. I’m wearing a blue business suit today with yellow tights and a white blouse with black sugar skulls all over it.

And then Baka’s eyes land on my neck. On my hickey. Great.

I’m sure she’s about to make a comment but she stares at it for a good ten seconds before piping up with,

“I was gonna make chicken paprikash, but you wrote four exclamation marks beside the tacos on your list so I can take a hint.”

I clap my hands. “Let me go get changed. I’ll be back. And paprikash sounds good for next time. Hi Ana! I’ll change quick and come help,” I greet.

“Don’t worry Ally,” Ana calls from the counter where she’s got the blender going, making guacamole. “It’s almost ready to go and I’ll pour you some wine.”

When I get into Jude’s closet, I stumble to see my stuff hanging up instead of exploding from my suitcase.

The door opens and it’s Jude.

“Hey,” he says.

“Hi,” I greet, softly. His lips touch mine again. “Um… who unpacked my stuff?” I manage to ask.

“My mother did. Top two drawers are yours for now.” He cups my jaw and kisses me again.


“I’ll get an extra dresser. She didn’t want your work clothes to get wrinkled, she said. I think she was making a point to Baka that she doesn’t care if you and I live together.”

“But we don’t,” I say. “Did you tell them that? Why do they think I’m here?”

He shrugs. “I didn’t give a reason.”

“What if they ask?”

“Just tell them the company is renovating your apartment or something.”

I roll my eyes. “A common excuse apparently but often not believable.”

He smiles wide.

I look into the top drawer and bras, underwear, tights, and socks I brought yesterday are neatly arranged.

“And I like sharing space with you. I don’t see that changing anytime soon,” Jude adds. “Aiden said his father is thinking about selling the corporate apartments anyway so renovating before they put them up for sale will make sense.”

News to me.

“Am I about to be evicted?”

“Maybe if I slip Mr. C a twenty.” Jude shrugs.

“Don’t you dare,” I warn. “I will glitter bomb all four floors of this place.”

“Don’t care. I like your sparkles.” He takes my face into both hands and pins me against the side of his big safe, kissing me.

“And your garage,” I add.

His eyes go stone cold. “Hard limit baby. Don’t fuck with my garage.”

I cackle. “And he reveals his kryptonite.”

“I already know yours, and I’m not afraid to use it, Vixen.”

“Mine? I don’t have kryptonite.”

He rolls his eyes. “You’ve got about seven types of kryptonite and number one is edging. Which happens to be my favorite weapon against you. I haven’t used that one nearly enough.”

I pout. “What’s in there?” I run my hand along the big safe.

“Guns. Ammo. Paperwork. Some space for fun stuff.”

“Fun stuff?”

“I’m gonna stock it with some fun stuff. Like handcuffs for when you get outta line. And ball gags for when you need shutting up.”

“Ooh. Interesting,” I say. “But I can think of something much more effective than a ball gag. And way more fun.”

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance