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“Right, well, on the off-chance that we aren’t about to die, how about we swing by a liquor store first and pick up some schnapps and gin? We could make those gross cocktails we had at our fake prom and try to recreate the mood.”

Hugh’s eyebrows disappeared somewhere high above his head. “You really think she wants to be reminded of the night she ran crying from your house? The night that made her ghost us both completely for five years?”

He had a point. I was about to turn the car around and head straight for her place when he continued, “We had Cool Ranch Doritos, too.”

“So, you think it’s worth a shot?”

“She’s worth a shot, yes. A gentle, no-pressure shot. God knows we haven’t met anyone else like her.”

He wasn’t wrong.

The night of the ‘fake prom’ provoked Hugh and I to talk at great length.

It turned into quite a confession. We both had the hots for Muriel, that was a given, and totally understandable. But we had more in common than just our desire for one girl.

I didn’t think of myself as kinky or particularly wild, quite the opposite. I wanted to settle down with a lovely woman and raise kids in my hometown. But I also had fantasies about sharing my future wife with another man. Two men would surely please her twice as much as one and it would be great to be a part of that set up.

All my sexual fantasies involved threesomes, I just couldn’t help it.

I’d always wanted to be a small town cop and help my local community. So my secret desires were at odds with the person I thought I should be. Although they were all about doing something to please my woman. I had no thoughts or intentions of having two people attend to me. The thought of threesome with two women did nothing for me and I wasn’t into dudes, not it that way.

Watching Hugh kissing Muriel, it was like I was on the very edge of all my dreams coming true and moments later they were dashed.

It turned out that Hugh felt much the same way, and as we were already best buddies who enjoyed spending time together it seemed natural enough that we should become increasingly comfortable with the idea of the two of us sharing a woman. Itt made sense to us.

But our efforts to date a woman together had not gone well. It seemed most women preferred one of us over the other, which isn’t surprising since we were so different. And I do have to admit to a tiny jealous streak. Plus Hugh always assumed the world was against him, so any arrangement we set up soon unraveled.

“She really did like us both back then, didn’t she?” I thought out loud as we drove to the store.

“Yes, she did.” Hugh dreamily gazed out at the streetlights, which were blurred by drizzle on the windows. “And that night was hot.”

“So hot.” I agreed. “Hotter than a bunch of eighteen-year-old nerds had any right to be. The way she felt when pressed between us was just—” Hugh made a chef’s kiss gesture.

I nodded heavily. “Exactly.”

“But we fucked up. We pushed too hard. Stupid, horny teenagers that we were.”

“Let’s not dwell on that. She wants to see us now, and that’s something.”

We’d both done enough self-flagellating over what happened that night, and I couldn’t see any point in going over it again.

We pulled into the parking lot of a little late-night liquor store. “So; schnapps, gin, Coke, lemonade and Doritos. Anything else?”

“Alka-Seltzer? I don’t think my stomach can handle all of that anymore.” Hugh held his stomach dramatically until I punched him in the arm.

“You’ll be fine; you’re not fifty-three. Anyway, if the night goes like I hope, we’ll be burning it off in no time.” I jumped out of the car before Hugh had a chance to point out that I was being overly optimistic. “Back in a minute!” I called out before dashing away.

The truth was, I was more excited than I’d been in a long time, and I was sure that Muriel felt the exact same way from the look on her face and the fact that she invited us to her room Of course, I couldn’t know for certain, and I understood why Hugh was less confident than me.

Perhaps it was a sixth sense I’d developed with her from being friends for so long, or my natural ability to understand women, Or perhaps it was the fact that I totally caught her checking Hugh out right when she spilled her drink tonight. Either way, I felt confident, and I practically danced around the store picking up the drinks and snacks we needed.

The rain was coming down even more heavily as we made our way over to her. I hoped it would pass before the wedding. Vic had mentioned they’d bought some brightly colored umbrellas to use as props if needed, so perhaps a rainy-day wedding would be cute after all.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic