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Hugh kept on playing with my sensitive nipples while looking down in apparent awe at my exposed body in front of him.

“You are fucking sexy.” Cameron’s voice was husky and low. His breathing heavy.

I came suddenly.

He upped the pace, fucking me hard with his fingers: long and hard like I didn’t need anything else but his hands.

I bucked and moaned as the shock of pleasure shot through my body, reverberating around for what seemed like an eternity. Spots appeared in my vision, and I thought I might blackout until eventually the sensations finally began to recede.

Cameron withdrew his hand, raised his fingers to his face and proceeded to sniff them before licking each one.

It would have been mortifyingly embarrassing, except he looked like he was in heaven and eating a great delicacy.

“You taste so fucking good,” he said and looked at me with that adorable boyish grin of his. “That was nice,” he said.

“Nice. That’s an understatement,” I replied, still catching my breath. “Now, what can I do for y’all?”

“Ah, I think we’d better leave it there,” Hugh said, looking out of the window suspiciously. “Let’s not push our luck. Vic or anyone could come by any minute.”

“Aww,” I pouted, brattishly. “But I really want to.”

“Hugh’s right, and anyway the sight and taste of you is more than enough for me,” Cameron said. “That’ll keep me going the rest of my shift.”

A buzz started emanating in my jacket pocket, and we all looked down at the floor in surprise. My phone. They must have got a mast repaired somewhere. I fished it out and saw my agent’s photo flash up on the screen.

“Sorry, I have to take this.” I stepped out of the car, picking up my panties on the way. I did not want Vic finding those.


“Muriel!” Alexa screamed down the phone. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you. For. So. Long. What’s going on?”

“Long story, but short version, I’ve been stuck in a storm for the past day.” I paced around the parking lot, looking back at Cameron’s car and admiring my men, who were animatedly chatting away.

“Oh, you poor baby. Well, this will cheer you up. You know Hulu, the streaming people?”

“Uh huh.” I loved Alexa, but for some reason she always spoke to me like I was a country bumpkin. Probably because she was Los Angeles born and raised, and I was a recent import.

“Well, they’re looking for an influencer-type girl to have her own reality series. You know, a girl about town in LA; her life, love, style, all that crap.” Alexa paused for a moment. “And they want you, Muriel Tennyson. You. They love your Instagram; they say your personality just shines through everything you do, and you would be a perfect fit for their audience.”

“Huh.” I should have had more to say, but in truth, I was stunned. An offer like that was a dream come true... wasn’t it?

“I know, I was lost for words too. And look, their offer isn’t the best, but it’s not bad for a first series, and I’m sure I can get them up from two hundred grand, at least a little—”

“What, what?” I stuttered.

“Yeah, I reckon two-fifty is realistic, really. And you’d get all kinds of sponsorships from this, probably a free car, that kind of thing. How excited are you?”

Two hundred thousand dollars. I made decent money in my influencing work, but student loans still hung heavily over my head, and in lean months, I struggled to pay rent on my dollhouse-sized apartment.

All I had to do was let cameras follow me around and join in with the whole ‘one drama an episode, neatly wrapped up by the end’ thing. It would be too easy. Except for one thing...

“You say they want the show to cover my love life? Isn’t that a bit private?”

“Oh, sweetie.” If it were possible, I sensed Alexa pouted condescendingly down the phone. “That’s the whole point. Haven’t you seen the Kardashians’ show? But they’re billionaires, Muri. Billion. Aires. People want to see how you live your life—the good, the bad, and the ugly.”

I looked back at Hugh and Cameron.

Would the producers walk away if I mentioned I was in a throuple? Or worse, would they rub their hands with glee, knowing people will pay the monthly fee just to watch Muriel and the circus freak show?

“Look, it’s amazing. Incredible. But I have to think about it. I fly back to LA in a couple of days, and I’ll give you a call when I get back, okay?”

“No. The producers want to have dinner with you tomorrow. Don’t mess this up, Muri—if you get this job, you’ll be able to get a private jet back to Georgia whenever you want, so get your cute little tushie back here right now.”

“Okay, Alexa, I get it. Bye.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic