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Well, what choice did we gentlemen have but to oblige?

Chapter Eight

Muriel Tennyson

What the hell are you doing, Muriel?

A nagging, annoyingly sensible voice in the back of my head reminded me that I’d already decided this couldn’t happen again, that it wasn’t fair on any of us to have a repeat performance of last night. My counter-argument was that we were stuck in a strange situation and so we might as well enjoy ourselves; it was less logical but a lot more fun, so it won out.

I stood before them, naked and tingling with anticipation.

That same voice of reason pointed out that it was broad daylight, the calm after the storm, and someone could easily look through the window and see me, but I didn’t care at that moment. I only wanted my guys, and from the way they looked at me, they wanted me too.

“Are... are you sure?” Hugh stuttered.

Honestly, the man could have a woman strip down in front of him and still wonder whether she was interested.

“Of course I’m sure. Now get over here and kiss me.”

He didn’t need any more encouragement. Hugh strode across the kitchen and grabbed the back of my head with such lustful ferocity that I lost my breath.

Our lips crushed together, and we kissed; a long, deep, somehow soulful kiss that made any thoughts of the real world disappear. He explored my exposed body with his hands, and as he teasingly brushed past my oh-so-sensitive clit the sensation almost made me bite his tongue.

Before last night I didn’t think it was physically possible to be brought to the very edge of climax in twenty seconds flat, but it turned out you just need the right man. Or men.

“Let’s all go to the bedroom,” I said, looking over Hugh’s shoulder at Cameron. He clearly enjoyed watching me with his best friend. Cam’s eyes were heavy and his expression dreamy, but the prospect of joining in had him racing to the bedroom in a flash.

“There’s no hurry.” Hugh took my hand, and we followed Cameron through the bungalow. “We’re going to be here a while, remember?”

“You try telling this there’s no hurry.” Cameron had already removed his robe by the time we reached the bedroom, and he was pointing dramatically at his enormous erection.

I licked my lips and smiled.

“On the bed,” I commanded, feeling incredibly confident all of a sudden.

“Yes, boss,” Cameron replied as he climbed onto the bed and lay on his back.

I crawled toward him, and we kissed tenderly at first, but as desire overwhelmed us, our greedy tongues began to lick and suck, and his cock bounced against my thigh as I straddled him.

Much as kissing Cam was incredible, I experienced a gnawing sense of something missing.

It seemed they’d broken me and the touch of one man would never again be enough for my body.

Supporting myself on my elbows, I wiggled my ass at Hugh invitingly, and I grinned as I heard his robe instantly fall to the floor.

In a moment, the mattress dipped, and I cried out as Hugh’s tongue parted my lips without warning.

He pressed his face into my most intimate area. His tongue danced around my sensitive folds and swept across my little pink pearl, making me shudder in ecstasy.

Cameron pinched my nipples, and that was enough to push me over. Heat and pleasure exploded deep in my core. While they rocked my world, I called out both of their names over and over until my orgasm receded, leaving me feeling deeply, intensely satisfied.

“Your ‘O’ face is fucking beautiful.” Cameron smiled up at me and tucked a stray curl behind my ear.

I’d always been self-conscious that I looked like a crazy woman on the verge of a demonic sneeze when I came, so he really couldn’t have given me a better compliment.

Hugh sat up and gave my ass a light spank, making me yelp as a little thrill ran through me.

But I wanted more. Needed more. I pulled myself up fully onto my hands and knees. “Kneel, Cameron,” I said firmly.

“I’ve gotta say, I like this demanding version of Muriel,” he replied while doing exactly as I asked. He kneeled in front of me with his cock a mere inch from my face. I nudged it playfully with my nose, then started licking the sensitive underside, making him moan and whine.

I heard a wrapper being torn open, and then Hugh was back, this time with his cock teasing my entrance.

My body automatically pressed back against it, desperate to finally have my brooding man breach and fill me. He eventually relented and took hold of my hips as he entered.

As he deepened his thrust, I took Cameron further into my mouth, until I felt stuffed full of both of them; like I was no longer a good girl but some different, uninhibited other version of me.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic