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His breathing slows and levels, so I leave the room with one last look at the handsome stranger with the broken heart.

This day will be etched in my memory forever, and it’s not just because I ran away from the man I thought I’d spend my life with.

Luke saved me from making a huge mistake, and I doubt he’ll remember any of it once he wakes up.

I know, for sure, I’ll never forget him.

Chapter 6


The second I see Joel, tears fall down my cheeks.

I race out of the Uber he ordered for me and into his arms.

“Afton,” he whispers as he holds me close. “I’ve been so fucking worried about you. Nelson has been too.”

I glance around where we are standing on the sidewalk outside the entrance to the Bishop Hotel Tribeca. “Is Nelson here?”

“No,” he assures me with a kiss to my temple. “He’s at home with your folks.”

“Do they know that I’m here?” I ask with a tremor in my tone. “Is Warren there with them?”

He steps back to look me in the eye. “Nelson is covering for me. I said I needed to hit the hay, but I ducked out and went down to your place. I grabbed what you need for a couple of nights, but I have to get back soon.”

I wait for him to answer my other question. He takes the hint when I cock both brows.

“Warren is with Lydia.”

I can’t say that shocks me, so I don’t say anything.

“She was his first call when you bolted from the church.” Joel skims a hand over my cheek. “He had her on the line as soon as you were in the limo.”

I drop my gaze to the suitcase at his side. “I have a lot of explaining to do.”

His fingers find my chin. He draws my gaze back up to meet his. “Tonight, you need to rest. Tomorrow, I’ll drop by for a late lunch. If you feel up to it then, you can fill me in on what you and that gorgeous stunner did after he set you free from a lifetime as Warren’s wife.”

The corners of my lips curve up. “Gorgeous stunner?”

“Nelson thinks the same thing, so I’m not stepping over a boundary here.” He straightens the collar of his shirt. “His name is Luke Jones?”

“How do you know that?” I ask. “I didn’t tell you that when I called you.”

“Caller ID told me. You called me from his phone, Afton.”

I did that after I wrote a note to Luke on a pad of paper that I found on the kitchen counter next to a pen. I explained why there was money missing from his wallet. I wanted him to know that it had been spent on a taxi to get him home.

“What am I supposed to say to Warren?” My stomach churns as I think about that impending conversation. “I just left him standing there.”

Joel motions toward the lobby doors of the hotel. “I booked you the best suite they have. You’re going to take tonight to sleep, and then tomorrow, we’ll figure out the answer to that question. Deal?”

“Deal,” I say, even though I highly doubt I’ll get any sleep at all.

He glances at my dress before his gaze wanders to the headpiece still attached to my hair. “Let’s get you out of this. I can take it all with me.”

Nodding, I swallow hard. “Thank you.”

“I love you, Afton.” He punctuates the words with a kiss on my cheek. “I know it’s tough right now, but one day when you marry the love of your life, you’ll be grateful you hightailed it out of that church with Luke Jones.”

I manage a small smile. “Do you think so?”

“I know so.” He grabs the handle of the suitcase. “You did the right thing. Don’t doubt that.”

I follow him into the lobby of the hotel. I know that I did the right thing today. I just wish that I hadn’t hurt so many people in the process.


I slide my engagement ring from my finger before I place it carefully in Joel’s palm.

He looks down at it. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

I wipe away a single tear just as it falls to my cheek. “No.”

Closing his fingers around the ring, he sighs. “You’re sure you’re all right?”

It’s the third time he’s asked me that since he arrived at this hotel suite. We shared a room service lunch and talked about the weather before he brought up Warren.

They spoke early this morning.

I wasn’t surprised when Joel told me that Warren wanted the ring back. It had cost a small fortune. Warren reminded me of that constantly, even though I told him I didn’t need an expensive ring.

His mother insisted he purchased the one I had on my finger until just a moment ago.

“I’m okay,” I answer honestly. “How’s Nelson? How are my folks?”

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Calvettis of New York Romance