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“How did you get in the building?”

“One of your neighbors let me in on his way out. Gage something is his name.”

I look at Rocco. He’s busy tidying the mess on the poker table. “Go down to the lobby and wait for me, Soph. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“I want details, Dex.” She sighs, pointing at me. “You were kissing your hot neighbor.”

“Details tomorrow,” I whisper. “I’ll meet you in the lobby. Go now.”

I end the call, waving her away with a brush of my hand.

Exhaling, I turn to Rocco. “Thank you for this.”

He reaches for the phone, shoving it into the pocket of his sweatpants. “Is your friend all right?”

“Nosy, but fine.” I smile. “I’m going to go meet her now.”

He glances over my shoulder. “She’s waiting for a second act.”

I turn back to see Sophia still standing by my window. “Unbelievable.”

Rocco laughs. “Curiosity is a powerful force. She’s not budging until you’re out of view.”

I know he’s right. Sophia isn’t going to let up until she knows exactly what’s going on between Rocco and me.

“I’ll go.”

“I’ll walk you down.”

“You don’t have to do that.” I tug on the bottom of my T-shirt. “I can handle it on my own.”

“I know you can.” He reaches forward to quiet my hands by covering them with his. “I want to walk you down.”

Instant comfort washes over me. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 31


“I’m Sophia Reese-Wolf.” Dexie’s friend shoves a hand at me. “And you are?”

The expectation in her voice is matched by the questions in her eyes.

I take her hand in mine, giving it a soft shake. “I’m Rocco Jones.”

Her gaze volleys between Dexie’s face and mine. “The poker player? You’re not that Rocco Jones, are you?”

“I am,” I admit, shoving my hand into my pocket.

She smiles, her head tilting to the right as she studies me. “You played poker with my brother-in-law a few times. Liam Wolf.”

I consider him a friend. We met at the gym a few years ago. He’s younger than me but much wiser than I can ever hope to be.

“You’re married to Nick or Sebastian?” I ask because I’m honestly curious.

Liam has shared some details about his family, including the fact that he has two older brothers.

“I’m married to Nicholas,” she says proudly, flashing her left hand in the air. “I can’t believe you’re Rocco Jones.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Calvettis of New York Romance