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I try to hide the frown on my lips. This isn’t a promising way to open a discussion about a new handbag, but I go with it because Mabel has been good to me. “No, you haven’t.”

“Her name is Rhoda.” She rolls her green eyes. “She’s older than me but insists she’s younger. I swear she’d have her birth certificate changed if they’d let her.”

I bite back a laugh, hoping that she’s segueing into a purse order for her sister.

“Rhoda has the brains.” She runs a red manicured fingernail over her chin. “I have the beauty.”

I nod, knowing that she’s teasing. She told me soon after we met that she loved her career as the Chief Financial Officer of an energy company before she retired last year.

“Rhoda does this thing.” Leaning closer, she lowers her voice to a whisper. “She helps people like you.”

Like me?

I try not to look offended since I don’t know what she’s talking about, although if I had to hedge a guess, I’d say it’s about the way I’m dressed. I’m basing that on the fact that she’s looking me over from head-to-toe.

Maybe that compliment she just threw my way wasn’t genuine after all.

The majority of the clothing I wear is from Sophia’s line, Ella Kara. It’s affordable enough for everyone, including me even though I rarely pay for any of it.

Sophia uses me as a test model. She creates a new design, gives me her handmade sample and sends me out into the world to gather feedback.

I never complain. How can I when I spend next to nothing on my wardrobe?

She almost always has one of my bags in her hand, and I regularly wear her clothing designs.

It’s a fashion win for both of us.

Mabel picks up the gray tote and swings it in a tight circle. “I showed her this yesterday. She wants to meet you.”

Maybe there is a purse order in my immediate future.

I shove a hand in my bag to fish for my business card holder. “I’ll grab one of my cards. You can give it to her or I can take her number and call her.”

Mabel swats my knee. “I’ve already given her your name, your number and I showed her that website you have.”

My stomach growls a reminder that my lunch break is ticking away, so I inch our discussion forward. “Is Rhoda looking for a bag?”

“Heavens no.” Her eyes scan my face. “She wants you to meet with her and her investor friends to discuss the future of your company.”

Holy hell.

I stare at her pink stained lips, playing her words over and over again in my head.

“Someone will reach out to you soon with the details, but I wanted to tell you the good news face-to-face.” She sighs. “Show them your best work. If you do that, you’ll be sure to seal a deal.”

I nod, my mind racing with mental images of all my recent designs. “I’ll do that.”

“I’ll check in again once the meeting is over.” She looks down at the tote. “If I could, I’d partner with you, but my husband and I have everything tied up right now.”

“I... I...Mabel I can’t thank you enough for this.”

“I told you the day we met that you’d go places.” She glides to her feet. “This is your ticket to that place, Dexie.”

She’s right. I’ve wanted to find a business partner for the past two years, but no one other than Sophia has shown any interest.

I was touched when she offered her money in exchange for equity in my company, but our friendship is too important to me to risk losing it over a business disagreement, so I declined with a smile and an appreciative hug.

This is different. This is a legitimate investor who can help catapult my purse business to the next level.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Calvettis of New York Romance