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But Serenity can’t be moaning and screaming at the same time, and my eyes pop open even as my cock continues to spurt hot goodness into her back end.

“DAD!” comes the horrified cry once more. And then, “Serenity?”

Both of us look up then, startled, and we’re shocked to see Stewie standing in the foyer, a huge, shiny trophy clutched in one hand. It drops to the marble floor with a clatter as his fingers go nerveless.

“Stew?” I ask, still disoriented as my cock continues to drain. “What the hell? What are you doing home?”

“What the fuck?” Stewie screams. “I leave for a tour, only to find my DAD fucking my GIRLFRIEND? What the hell?”

I pull out hastily, although there’s a deep squelching sound as I exit Serenity’s rectum, not to mention a bit of seed trailing down her thigh. Meanwhile, my girlfriend bolts up and scrambles for a couch cushion to cover herself with. But it’s impossible because she’s lush and curvy, and the small pillow does little but hide her tummy.

“Stewie,” she gasps. “It’s not what it looks like!”

But of course, it’s exactly what it looks like, and I put on some clothes before fixing my son with a stare.

“You and Serenity broke up,” I say in a cool voice. “And while you were gone, Serenity and I discovered we were attracted to one another and started dating.”

My son’s eyes practically bug out of his head.

“That’s more than dating you were doing,” he sneers. “You were ass-fucking her! Shit, I can see the sperm dribbling out of her butt even now!”

We all look, and it’s true. There’s a wet spot on the couch where Serenity’s sitting, and the insides of her thighs gleam with my lust.

“Shut up,” I growl, my blue eyes flaring. “I realize this is a shock for you, but I will NOT have you insulting Serenity.”

Stewie merely lets out a harsh bark.

“Insulting? It’s you who’s insulting me! I leave for the summer, and come back to this? Are you fucking kidding me? Who does that?”

But that’s it. I’ve had enough. My girlfriend is pregnant and I won’t have my son disrupting her equanimity.

“Get out,” I say in an even tone. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

Stewie whirls on his heel, his sneakers squeaking against the marble, before picking up his garish, three-foot trophy. It looks like cheap plastic, even if it is very shiny.

“There will be no tomorrow!” he declares. “I won a major tournament in Vegas, and my sponsor has decided to give me a seven-figure advance so I’m rich! I don’t need you anymore, asshole!”

And with that, my son storms out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Serenity and I stare at each other for a moment, our eyes wide. The silence thrums in our ears, so loud as to be deafening.

“Are you okay, honey?” I finally manage.

She nods wordlessly, still trying to wrap her head around what just happened.

“Julian,” she murmurs. “OMG, that was so awful. I never meant to come between you and your son.”

But I shake my head before sitting next to her on the couch and pulling that curvy form close.

“No sweetheart,” I murmur into her hair, gently stroking those soft curls. “You didn’t come between us. Stewie just needs to grow up, that’s all. But you heard him. He’s got his own source of income now, so I think he’s well on his way to independence. He’ll never be out of our lives entirely, because he’s my son, but it’s okay. We’ll figure it out.”

Serenity nods, although her narrow shoulders are still shaking with shock.

“But does this change anything?” she asks, her eyes earnest and filled with tears as she looks up at me. “Do you … well, do you still love me, Julian? Do you still want our child?”

I press a tender kiss to her lips.

“Of course I do, sweetheart. This is just a bump in the road, and don’t worry: my son is just shocked right now. Anyone would be, in his shoes, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you. I love you, honey, and I meant it when I said I want us to be a family.”

She begins to cry now, although I feel that curvy form relax against the hard wall of my chest.

“That’s good,” she sobs through hiccups. “Because I love you too, Julian.”

I smile again before tipping her chin up to look into those brown eyes.

“Then that’s all that matters, sweetheart. It’s about you and me, and the baby too.”

With that proclamation, I press a kiss to her lush pout, claiming the curvy girl as mine once more. Maybe we haven’t solved things with my son just yet, but it doesn’t matter because Serenity Smith belongs to me, and I won’t relinquish her for anything in this world. I worked hard to claim this sassy woman, and only happiness paves the road forward now.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic