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Serenity stares at his departing form until the door closes. Then she turns to look at me again.

“Don’t worry,” I say in a normal tone. “I don’t think he heard us last night. You were screaming, sweetheart, but the walls are thick in this mansion. Although the headboard was hitting the wall pretty forcefully, come to think of it.”

Her cheeks stain a pretty shade of blush.

“Oh my God, the headboard?” she manages in a weak voice. “Oh God, I remember that. I was thinking I didn’t want you to hear us… but I guess that’s beside the point, isn’t it?” she manages in a trembling tone.

I nod.

“Yes, but it doesn’t matter, sweetheart, because it was the best sex I’ve ever had. And if you like, I’m more than happy to show you again this morning just how much I enjoyed it. But are you sore, honey? I know I sound like a broken record, but I want to know how hard I can ride you this time around.”

Without another word, Serenity gasps and then bolts upstairs, leaving me with tantalizing flashes of white thigh.

“Serenity!” I call up the stairs, but she doesn’t turn around.

I hear her fumbling about and within a few minutes, she’s back downstairs with her own clothes on.

“I found my clothes on the floor of your room, Mr. Holt,” she says in a stiff voice, unable to meet my eyes. “I guess I was in your arms last night.”

“That you were,” I say in a deep voice. “And my cock was in you most of the night.”

Her cheeks flush again and she steals a quick glance at me before looking away.

“Mr. Holt,” she begins.

I smile.

“I think you can call me Julian now.”

She nods stiffly.

“I guess, well … I guess I just need to think about things.”

I shoot her an impish grin.

“Take your time, honey. I’ll be here.”

With another stolen glance at me, the pretty brunette swings her bag over her shoulder and then lets herself out of the house without a backwards glance. But I know Serenity will be back because the connection between us was just too strong. Not just the physical connection, but also the mental one. We’ve flirted with each other for the past year while she was dating my son, and now, I’m an alpha male moving in for the kill. After all, the time is ripe. She’s single, and Stewie’s a bonehead who threw away a good thing. Yet, I understand that Serenity needs some time to process everything that’s happened. You don’t just accidentally wake up in your boyfriend’s dad’s bed without being shocked to the core.

But I’m confident the buxom brunette will be back. We enjoyed ourselves last night, and judging from the intensity of her orgasms, she’ll want more. With that, I turn back to my breakfast, a satisfied smile on my face.



* * *

Holy fuck. I close the door to my apartment and lean against it. My breaths come heavy and ragged.

What the heck just happened? I still can’t wrap my mind around the events of last night because did I really have sex with my ex-boyfriend’s father? And yet, it was so good and my body still tingles from Julian’s touch.

But how in the world did it happen? Yes, Stewie and I were broken up, so it’s not like I cheated on him. Still, it was Julian who made me feel things I’ve never felt before. It was the older, handsome attorney who made me scream to the high heavens as my body shuddered with ecstasy, experiencing pleasure like I never have in my life.

After all, I meant it when I told Julian it was the best sex I’ve ever had. I thought Stewie was so-so, but also thought our lack of spark was partly my fault. Maybe I wasn’t pretty enough, or svelte enough, or anything enough. Now, I know it’s not me because Julian Holt knows how to make the rafters shake.

Who would’ve thought that a man in his forties could deliver like that? I mean, Julian clearly puts a lot of effort into working out, but still. I thought men lost their sexual drive as they got older but that’s clearly not the case with Julian, because we must have gone at it four or five times last night, not to mention this morning. In fact, the seed seeping from between my thighs is because he filled me so full that I’m brimming over, which reminds me that I have to take my daily pill.

With that, I rush to my bathroom, open the bathroom cabinet, and quickly swallow the contraception. Then, I look at myself in the mirror. The same Serenity stares back, with the same lush body and curly brown hair, and yet she’s different too. There’s a sparkle to my eyes and my lips look rosy and bee-stung, as if they’ve been ravished by a man. Which they have, actually.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic