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True, but…

“So you’re over her?”

“Completely. I was relieved when it was over.”

The shuttered pain in his eyes said otherwise. “Then why are you letting her determine your future?” Sophie asked, keeping her tone gentle.

“What are you talking about? I just told you that I don’t even want to see the woman again.”

Sophie turned to face him more fully. “Yeah, but you went from putting a ring on someone’s finger to never wanting to get married? That screams ‘emotional scarring.’”

She expected him to get defensive, or at the very least, angry at Ashley again about spilling the beans about his marriage phobia. Instead he looked confused. “What does the fact that I’ll never get married have to do with any of this?”

Sophie stared at him aghast. The man genuinely had no concept of why his refusal to ever marry would impact Sophie.

It was clear he’d never even come close to putting the two thoughts together.

And that made Sophie’s heart sink more than if he’d responded with anger. “So you really don’t want to get married? Ever?”

He shook his head. “No. I have nothing against marriage, it’s just not for me.”

“Why, because one woman stomped all over your icy little heart? Get over yourself.”

He flinched. “Jesus, Sophie.”

Her face flooded with the heat of remorse. She hadn’t meant to say that. She didn’t even mean it. “I’m sorry. This really isn’t my business, is it?”

“No, it’s really not.”

And that told her all she needed to know. But she had to check…

“So the kiss at the office, and everything that happened tonight…the touching, and letting the Porters think we were something…that was just…what?”

Gray leaned his head back on the headrest and stared through the windshield, which was now completely blurry with raindrops. “Look, Sophie…about tonight…I shouldn’t…I didn’t mean…I’m not good at this.”

“You’re joking.”

Her sarcasm earned the tiniest of smiles, although it was gone almost immediately.

“Look, Gray…you haven’t really spared my feelings in the past. Why start now? Just let me have whatever you’re stuttering over.”

He swallowed and turned to look at her. “I know the impression I gave you tonight. And that night in the office. And, hell, however many other times. But I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship.”

“With me, or with anyone? Because you seemed to be doing fine with Brynn.”

“How do you figure? We broke up after a month, and the relationship went nowhere.”

Hmm. A good point.

She moved on.

“If you don’t want a relationship, why invite me along tonight? Why play with my hair? Is this a game?” Her voice broke slightly, but she was beyond caring.

He had the decency to look guilty, but Sophie was hardly mollified. She’d been a gooey, contented mess, and he’d been playing with her?

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…You make me forget sometimes.”

She blinked in confusion. “Forget what?”

Tags: Lauren Layne The Best Mistake Romance