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“Maybe I should take Brynn to dinner tomorrow. Somewhere fancy that requires her to wear a black dress. Women always wear sexy underwear under a black dress, right?”

Ian frowned. “Wait, I thought we were talking about Sophie?”

“We were. And we agreed that she’s completely inappropriate. So now we’re talking about Brynn. Who’s very appropriate.”

Ian didn’t respond, and Gray’s head dropped forward slightly in resignation. “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

His friend lifted a shoulder. “Could be worse.”

Gray pictured the colorful, obnoxious chaos that was Sophie. Brynn’s sister. And his assistant.

Whom he couldn’t get out of his head.

“Actually, Ian…I’m pretty sure that this is as bad as it gets.”


For the tenth time in five minutes, Sophie silently cursed Brynn for ditching her at yoga class. She’d thought there was nothing worse than having to fold herself into yoga positions next to perfect Brynn. But she’d been wrong.

Having to fold herself into yoga positions without perfect Brynn to mimic was much, much worse.

Sophie glanced at the woman next to her and tried to copy her constipated-cow position. The anorexic-looking instructor roamed around the room, reminding them to “just breathe.” As though breathing would somehow fix life’s problems.

Sophie felt a firm hand pressing into the small of her back. “Bottom up to the sky,” the instructor whispered. Sophie hitched her ass into the air, feeling very much like a dog ready for mating.

So much for Brynn’s claims that yoga would foster “constructive sibling time.” Tonight, Sophie was the lone klutz in a room full of aging Cirque du Soleil understudies.

“Sister bonding, my ass,” Sophie grumbled under her breath as they moved into yet another awkward pose. Her swearing earned her a glare from the elderly woman. Sophie gave an apologetic smile, but the woman had already folded herself into a bow and wasn’t paying attention.

Brynn had proposed yoga as something fun they could do together. Brynn had been a yoga master practically since emerging from the womb, but she’d signed them up for an intro class so that they could have “sister bonding.”

Sophie could think of about a million different ways they could bond. Wine. Gossip. Reality TV. Nachos.

Instead, she was writhing around on a little purple mat. Alone.

Sophie swallowed her bitterness and tried to remind herself that her sister had a good reason for skipping the yoga torture tonight. A really good reason.

Sophie knew from experience that breakups were the worst.

And as of this afternoon, Brynn and Gray were no longer a couple.

Which had shocked…absolutely nobody.

Even Brynn hadn’t mustered the energy to act surprised. Her sister had been a half bottle deep in Chardonnay when she’d called Sophie, a

nd had been rambling on about how they’d been dating three weeks and hadn’t had sex.

Sophie only hoped Brynn hadn’t heard her sigh of relief at that crucial revelation. Not that anything would come of it, but Sophie’s mind was at ease knowing she hadn’t been having sex dreams about the guy her sister was actually having sex with.

Yes, sex dreams about Grayson Wyatt.

Talk about a nightmare.

A really hot nightmare.

The instructor motioned to Sophie to tilt her pelvis up and Sophie nearly moaned as images of last night’s dream flashed through her mind.

Gray’s head lowering to her neck.

Tags: Lauren Layne The Best Mistake Romance