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“I, um…I don’t think…I suppose…”

Sophie realized in sudden horror what was about to happen. This man’s complete social ineptitude was about to land them both in an intolerable situation.

The pinched expression on Gray’s face said that having Sophie for an employee was the last thing he wanted. But the fumbling look of panic in his eyes was even more alarming; he didn’t know how to say no. He was about to make things worse.

“I am not working for your boyfriend,” Sophie said harshly, cutting off Gray’s babbling. “And I’m not working in a godforsaken office.”

“Now, Sophie,” her mother said, apparently coming around to the idea, “it could be a great opportunity…”

“An opportunity to what, learn how to staple?”

“You don’t know how to staple?” Will asked.

“It could get your foot in the door, Soph,” Chris said, looking thoughtful.

Great. Just great. Now her whole family was warming up to this ridiculous plot. Sophie looked at Will in desperation, but he just shrugged and rubbed his fingers together meaningfully.



Something she had none of. And something she’d need soon if she wanted to be able to pay her bills and eat something other than rice cakes. Shoulda thought of that before giving your two weeks’ notice, she reminded herself.

Gray cleared his throat roughly. “Ms. Dalton, it doesn’t sound like a career in hotel hospitality holds much interest for you, but I’d be happy to discuss the possibility of employment with you should you change your mind.”

Sophie was so startled to hear Gray addressing her directly that it took a few moments for the actual words to sink in.

She stared at him. “You want me to come work for you?”

His wince said it all. No.

“If you would like,” he replied, giving her an intent look with a hidden message.

Ah. There it was. He wanted her to get them out of this mess so he could save face. Here the perfect CEO was, throwing a bone at the pathetic, loser sister.

And his expression made it clear that as the poor loser sister, Sophie was supposed to do what her family was expecting her to do: refuse the responsible option.

For once, they were in agreement. Refusal had been on the tip of her tongue from the moment she’d realized where Brynn was going with her well-meaning interference.

The whole point of quitting Stump’s was to regain some self-respect. And working for a man who despised her was not the path to emotional validation.


“I accept,” she heard herself say.

Five pairs of startled eyes stared at her. Even Brynn looked surprised, and she was the one who’d engineered this whole disaster.

“Are you sure, Soph?” Will asked, looking uncharacteristically somber.

Not at all.

“Mr. Wyatt here offered me a great opportunity,” she said with a calm she didn’t feel. “As my parents so gently pointed out, I’d be a fool not to take it.”

She met Gray’s eyes as she said this, and the stormy disbelief she read there made her realize exactly why she’d done it.



Tags: Lauren Layne The Best Mistake Romance