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I barely had time to cringe before a blow hit me from behind, causing my back to blaze with heat. Spinning, I crossed my arms and blocked the next Flame. The Narco charged me, and I ducked, sweeping his legs as he ran past. He rolled, and I shot a beam into his chest.

I turned and saw Nick facing off with a Narco girl. She was getting the better of him. I moved in his direction, but someone grabbed me around my midsection from behind, pinning my arms to my side. I struggled, attempting to ignite my White Flame, but the Narco’s arms burned me. The fire spread, and I couldn’t focus. My skin seared, and I screamed as smoke curled up from my body. I was too weakened by my attacker’s Flame to call on my Feyan power.

He laughed, then wedged his face between my head and shoulder. Panic ripped through me as he slid his tongue over my neck. Then he sank his teeth into my skin—my power source.


I wasn’t going out like this. Faces flashed before my eyes, the people I loved, and I knew I couldn’t lose. For them. I had to raise the barrier so they’d be safe. So that Reese’s sacrifice wouldn’t be for nothing.

With one last burst of energy, I pulled up my shield, the white haze cocooning me. Then I blasted it out. He screamed—a muted, hollow sound—as he flew back and I dropped to my knees. I cupped my neck. Relief flooded me as I felt the skin still intact. Four puncture wounds dotted my ink, but my power source was there.

Turning, I saw the Narco lying on the cobbled street, his body twitching. But I didn’t watch for long. I amped up my power and blasted him with a stream of white light, and he shook one last time before going still. My stomach curdled at the thought of killing so many. This is war.

I cleared the moisture from my eyes, regaining my focus, and spotted Mr. Liam and a few members of the Shythe Council rounding a building toward me. I scanned the thinning fray, locating Jace, and ran up to him. “They’re here.”

His face was heavy with exhaustion, but it lit up when my words hit him. We pulled Nick, Lana, and Devon out of the battle and headed toward Mr. Liam. He and the Council members were carrying sacks. This was a good thing.

“You did it,” I said to Mr. Liam as we neared him.

He arched an eyebrow. “Was there ever any doubt?” He smiled, but eyeing the battle behind us, he quickly opened the sacks. “You guys want to distribute these? I’ll take the other bag.”

I grabbed an arm full of sabers. Jace, Nick, Lana, and Devon did the same and we set out. It was hard maneuvering around the fighting as we gave Shythe their weapons, but we managed. Beams lit up, and the dark bloomed with white power. For the first time, I felt we could win.

Jace pulled me toward him. “You have to try the spell again.” His eyes bored into mine. “We can handle this now. Go.”

He was right. They all had Feyan power in their hands now. This was the last chance for me to raise the barrier before Drevan sent in the last flank. Reese just had to keep the Feyan back for a little longer, and Jace and the other Shythe had to win this battle. And I had to be strong.

I gave Jace a quick hug, and bolted toward the pier. The text still lay in the grass next to the plaque, and I knelt to pick it up but thought better. I had to quit leaning on crutches and trust myself. I knew the incantation. I knew I had the power. And I knew I had to do this for myself as well as my family and friends. And Reese. Above all, he’d risked and given up so much to protect me. I had to keep him safe. Even if that meant throwing up the barrier that would keep him out.

I took one last look behind me, checking on how the Shythe were fairing. They were pushing the Narcos back…slowly. But they were moving. I began chanting. I am a descendant of great guardians. I have the strength to do this.

The barrier shimmered, picking up right where I’d left off. I didn’t have to start all over again. Thank God. I watched as the blue light spread quickly down the pier. I chanted faster, concentrating on my words—my will. Something inside me quivered, and I shook. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and my stomach roiled. I clamped my eyes shut. This can’t be what I’m supposed to feel…

I wasn’t strong enough…not yet. I summoned my Feyan power—my White Flame. Holding my arms out beside me, I shot beams into the air. I opened my eyes. A white haze surrounded me. I pushed my power out, but whatever spell Drevan had placed over the barrier to guard it wasn’t allowing me to enter.

I screamed, frustrated, and threw my blazing white hands against the barrier. It rippled with power. But the blue shimmer slowly began turning red. Drevan had to be working a spell right now. He wasn’t going to allow me to win. Damn him.

I thrust my hands flat against the shield, willing with all of my power—my strength—for the barrier to obey me. But he was stronger. My stomach churned, and my legs buckled. Tears streamed down my face as I felt my power falter. I was failing.

As I struggled to release one last round of power against the shield, one of my arms weakened from the strain, and I couldn’t hold it against the barrier any longer. It fell, and I hung my head. But then I felt someone reaching into my pocket.

Panicked, I jerked up. Reese stood beside me. He fished my crystal from my pocket and held it up. “I think you might have to get rid of this first,” he said. Then he tossed it to the ground and stomped on it. The crystal shattered beneath his boot.

“Reese…” My eyes roamed over his face. He was so beautiful in his Kythan form.

He slipped his hand into mine, and his power rushed through me. His eyes stayed on me as I called forth one last blast of power. I could barely see through the blinding glow of my eyes. The dark world around me lit up as I pressed my free hand against the barrier.

In a flash, the shield illuminated, white and celestial. I chanted the ancient spell, words flying from my mouth. The barrier maxed into a bright explosion of white light, and Reese covered his eyes with his arm. The sounds from the battle died as the flash sounded in a muted boom.

For a second, I was blinded by the light, and a powerful feeling surged through me. Then it was dark. Slowly, I began hearing the fight behind me. Reese lifted me into his arms, cradling me to him. As he spun us, my laughter echoed in my still-ringing ears.

“You’re amazing!” he said.

“And you’re here.” I pulled back and looked into his eyes. “You stayed. What about the Feyan? And Drevan?”

He cocked his head to the side. “I had more sway than I thought, I guess.” I looked toward the battle. A mob of glowing white Feyan fought alongside the Shythe. “I’m sure that wild thing you just did scared the Narcos pretty good, but I thought I might show up with some back up…just in case.” He winked.

I laced my arms around his neck, pulling him close. “So you’re not leaving me?”

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult