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I flinched.

Reese broke the kiss, and our eyes darted toward the front of the room. I instinctively covered my chest.

The knob hung loosely, knocking against the door as a dark figure stood in the frame.

Reese shot up. “What the hell…” But his words faltered as Jace rushed into the room.

Chapter Twenty-Five

JACE SHOT A BOLT of Charge, and Reese ducked, rolling off the bed and bringing me with him. I dropped to the floor, hard. Reese covered me. His body hovered, shielding me as he quickly looked me over. When he was sure I was all right, he bounded to his feet.

Jace grabbed Reese’s leather collar and slammed him against the wall. “Get the hell away from her!”

I forced my corset together and hugged it closed. Jumping to my feet, I snapped a couple of the top clamps and rushed toward them. “Jace, what are you doing?”

“Dez, get out of here. Now!” He punched Reese.

My mind reeled. Shit! Before they could tear each other apart, I wrapped my arms around Jace and tried to pry him away, but he pushed me off.

“Get downstairs,” Jace ordered and attempted to punch Reese again, but Reese blocked it and delivered a hard knock with his free hand.

I backed away, my eyes searching. I couldn’t release my power here like the last time. This was a public building with lots of guests. It was too dangerous. We’d get caught and arrested. Or worse, Reese and I would be discovered. I balled my hands into fists. Why was Jace doing this?

I fell backward on the bed as Reese thrust Jace forward toward the middle of the room. “Jace, man. I’m warning you…” He pushed him against the chest, and Jace staggered. “Don’t do this. Just walk out of this room.”

Jace’s eyes lit with fury. “Not without Dez.” He turned his attention toward me. “He’s not who you think he is, Dez. Trust me. Just leave right now.”

My eyes shot between them, finally landing on Jace. I stood. “What?”

Jace ran his hand through his disheveled hair. “He’s part of the Feyan Army.” He gave Reese an evil sneer. “Oh yeah, I’ve been following you.” He nodded once. “I know about the Feyan. I also know why you’re here—you and your Narco commanders—and what you’re looking for.”

My mouth hung agape. I shook my head lightly, clearing it. “Reese? What’s he talking about?”

Reese’s eyes studied the floor, avoiding me. “Go, Dez,” he muttered under his breath.

Panicked, I turned to Jace. “Tell me now!”

“You and Reese aren’t the only ones of your kind.” He held my eyes. “The Narcos have raised an army of Feyan. That’s what they call your kind—what you are, Dez. And they’ve come to Haven on a mission.” He paused, taking in Reese. “To find the one that will set them free. Then destroy the Shythe when they’re no longer subjected to the curse of our ancestors.”

My knees gave, and I crumbled to the floor. I looked up at Reese. His expression didn’t deny anything Jace had said. “What does this have to do with us?” I asked him desperately. “You knew all along…everything that I thought we were trying to discover together. You knew.” I bit down on my lip. “What does this have to do with us?!” I shouted.

Reese’s eyes met mine—cold and hard. “You’re the one.”


Jace’s hands grasped my arms, and he pulled me to my feet. I couldn’t feel my body. Every nerve, every muscle, limb, part…was numb. He ushered me toward the broken door. My world spun.

“Don’t come near her again,” Jace warned Reese. “And if you or anyone else does, this whole town is going to blow. I’ll destroy every last one of you sonofabitches.”

In an attempt to find something that made sense, I met Reese’s eyes. “Tell me you weren’t going to…” My words trailed. I had no idea what he actually wanted with me. If anything.

Reese took one step forward and halted when Jace stiffened next to me. “Dez, I’m what he says. I’m not who you think.” His face hardened—his eyes glowing deep red. “Just…You were a way for me to move up in rank.” His features were stern, convincing.

“No,” I breathed.

“Yes,” he confirmed. “And one last thing.” His eyes bored into mine. “When they come. Run.”

Jace grabbed my arm, and with his free hand shot a blast of Charge at Reese. I didn’t see if he dodged it. We were through the door and into the hallway, running at full speed before my mind caught up with me. “How did you learn to throw your Charge?”

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult