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I smiled. But then my face fell as I realized he hadn’t been trying to make me jealous. I wondered if he’d gotten a tutor to help disguise himself more. Making sure the Shythe didn’t suspect him of having odd powers—knowing too much about our race. It seemed like something he’d do.

I wanted to slap myself. I was more Narco than I thought. I obviously had some hot temper issues, too. “All right,” I said “But do you know where he is now? Or which unit number is his?”

She gave me a puzzled look, pinching her eyebrows together. “I haven’t seen him since the assembly this morning. And I’m sorry, but I don’t know which unit is his, either.”

I nodded. “Okay, thanks.” I stood and turned to go.

“Hey,” she said, and I faced her. “If you’re trying to decide on who to start seeing, I wouldn’t go for that guy.” She rolled her eyes. “Major dick.”

“Thanks, I’ll remember that.”

Major dick, huh. Maybe he’d been playing his role a little too well. I remembered that first night at Cogs. He definitely had the Narco temperament down. I wanted to think more about what she’d told me, but I didn’t have time. I decided to search the boys’ wing, regardless. Maybe I’d run into him in the halls. For the first time, I rode the lift by myself. I didn’t have enough time to take the stairs.

When I reached the top floor, I passed by every door, listening closely. Every unit on that level seemed to be empty. Crap. I glanced at my communicator. Time was up. I scurried back to the lift and rode it down to the lobby.

I had to get to work. I waited behind the door of the chemistry lab. Within a couple of minutes, class was released. After the classroom emptied, I stepped inside and walked straight up to Mr. Liam.

“I need your help.”

Chapter Eighteen

MR. LIAM SAT DOWN at his desk. “I’ll try my best.” He removed his copper-rimmed glasses. “What is it that you need, Ms. Harkly?”

I brought my crystal from the project cabinet. “I need to make this much, much smaller. And…” I carried the crystal to the lab counter and placed it into the transfer machine. “I need to distribute my power to a device…to something.” I shook my head, exasperated. “I know you helped Devon make more than just lights and synthesizers. I need weapons. Something my friends can use.”

He stood and began pacing with his head bowed. “Is this for some sort of rebel action?” He looked up at me.

I clasped my hips. “I won’t lie. Yes.”

He bit down on the tip of his glasses and nodded his head once. “Right. So how much time do we have?”

My eyebrows shot up. “Two and a half hours.”

“It can be done.” He put his glasses back on. “Go to my office.” He fished a key from his pocket and tossed it to me. “On the top shelf of the bookcase, you’ll find a mahogany box. Please bring it to me.”

I did as he asked. The box was large and heavy, but I was able to carry it, and I placed it on top of Mr. Liam’s desk. He halted adjusting gears on the transfer machine to lock the lab door.

Walking back toward me, he said, “I don’t think I want to know all the details just yet, but I’ve suspected your power is stronger, different.” He paused, checking the machine’s levels as my crystal was drained. “If I’m questioned, I know nothing about you. So, it’s best to explain at a later date.”

“Agreed.” I placed my hands on the crystal and took a deep breath. “If for any reason I become a danger”—I glanced at Mr. Liam—“knock me out.”

For the first time, I unleashed my Shythe Charge at full power.

The power grew inside me, and my body trembled. I focused on the crystal, infusing my full strength into it.

Glancing down, I watched as my hands illuminated, glowing the brightest blue I’d ever seen. My arms began to shake, the power overwhelming. But I fought hard, holding onto my purpose, my need. I felt a surge beneath my hands. Charge sparked, firing in bolts. I shivered as the crystal absorbed the power.

Overjoyed, I pulled back, trying to douse my power, but I couldn’t. It was too strong. I panicked. “Hit me or something!” I shouted. Charge arced from my palms, reaching toward the ceiling.

Mr. Liam rummaged behind me, and then I was knocked to the floor. The power was still growing. Crap! Why didn’t he knock me out?! I sat up, my mind reeling. I thought back to Reese and our training—our meditation. I closed my eyes, seeing Reese’s hand holding mine. I saw our peaceful river, and my mind quieted. I felt the power pulling back. I concentrated harde

r, stilling my body. When I opened my eyes, the blue glow was subsiding from my arms.

“Okay,” Mr. Liam said, staring at me from across the room. “One day, you’ll definitely have to explain.” He shook his head once, clearing it.

I bounced up, smiling. “I controlled it.” I looked down at my hands, amazed. My heart fluttered. Because of Reese. Without him even knowing it, he’d been the one here for me when I needed help. My chest ached.

If I could just do that with my White Flame after I shifted…but I didn’t have time to think of the possibility. At least I’d controlled my Charge at full power.

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult