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Picking up the crystal, I spread my fingers over its smooth surface, feeling its natural energy. Everything on the planet had its own form of energy. Every molecule moved, even if we couldn’t see it with our eyes. I concentrated, thinking of my Charge. More than just willing my power into the crystal, I attempted to want it with all my heart. I wanted the crystal to accept my power and to combine with the energy it already held.

I heard the crackle of current, and I glanced down. My hands glowed blue as the crystal lit up. At that point, a Shythe would normally turn the juice up full blast, forcing Charge into the crystal. Instead, I placed the crystal on the table before me, keeping the current flowing.

Concentrating on my emotions, I desired more than anything to give the crystal my power. I willed the crystal to open up and accept it. I strung a current between my palms, slowly raising the level of power until the current stretched arm-to-arm as I spread them farther apart.

The crystal turned blue, and the current spiked, arcing in a third direction toward the crystal. Charge flowed into the crystal, taking the stream into itself.

“My, God,” Mr. Liam said. His mouth hung agape, and then he shut it, slowly removing his glasses. “Can you do that again?”

I laughed. “I think so.” I smiled at him. “It’s what I wanted. I felt the crystal taking the Charge at will. I didn’t have to force it. I think all I have to do now is be near the crystal and it’ll continue to absorb the energy.”

I held out my hand and sent a bolt into the air. The blue blaze shot straight up, suddenly changed directions, and went immediately into the crystal.

Mr. Liam laughed loudly. “I can’t believe it!” He knelt before the crystal, studying it. “Look at it. It’s regenerating itself. Like it’s slowly dispersing the energy and waiting for more.”

I beamed. I’d figured out how to secure a safe shift. If I could merge my power with a smaller crystal, I could carry it with me. And when I shifted, the wild power could be stored inside the crystal safely.

“How did you do that?” he asked, moving at an angle around the crystal.

I shrugged. “I think that maybe all Shythe can do it. If they’re powerful enough and they truly want the crystal to have their power.” I shook my head. “I’m not sure, but I think it can be done.” I didn’t believe that at all, really. I knew it had to do with being a mixed breed. But I had no way of testing the theory, and I couldn’t admit that to him.

Mr. Liam laughed uncontrollably. “Of course! All this time, I’ve been thinking that I needed to stabilize the power. You’re a genius.” He patted my shoulder once, hard. “You get an A.”

I laughed and touched the crystal, dousing the power. It was as if I was connected to it now. The crystal responded to my every wish.

“Oh,” he said. “You better hurry. You’re going to be late for the assembly.”

“Another one?”

He nodded. “Yes, I think the headmaster actually has something important to say this time.”

I packed my project away in a cabinet in Mr. Liam’s office and rushed out the door. I found Lana, Nick, and Jace easily. They were in the same row as last time. I inched down the packed row, taking the empty seat Lana had saved for me. She raised her eyebrows at me questioningly.

“Project,” I said, explaining why I was late.

Before I could stop myself, I glanced over. Reese was in his same seat, also. But this time the Shythe girl wasn’t there. Trouble in paradise? Then I shook my head, scolding myself for making jokes at his expense. For my next project, I wondered if I could make a crystal absorb my negative emotions.

The headmaster walked toward the podium, and the audience quieted. He tapped the brass-circled microphone and sent a loud screech echoing through the room.

“Just testing,” he said. “Welcome back. I’m happy to announce that week one was a success. At first, we had our doubts that the two races could be integrated so quickly without any backlash. But you wonderful students have exceeded our expectations.” He glanced around. “Today, I have an exciting surprise. Members from the Shythe and Narcolym Councils are here to discuss the next step in the Peace Act. What will follow shall secure the Kythan as a joined force.” He paused a beat. “I’d like to welcome Shythe Council member Phillip Tuner.”

Applause rose around us, and I looked over to Jace. His expression was stunned as he watched his father take the podium. Then I checked out Lana and Nick. They were just as surprised.

Mr. Tuner smiled. “Thank you. I’m not going to waste your time. I’m going to get right to the point. Our species is in danger.” He surveyed the room, p

ausing for effect. He was no longer smiling. “Not just the Shythe, but the Narcolym, as well. Since the fall of Egyptian pharaohs, the magics bestowed upon us have been dying. As the world moves away from magics and toward technology, we find fewer places where we’re needed. And we all understand that as Kythan, our ability to survive depends on the survival of the human race as well as their need for our magics.” He bowed his head for a moment before continuing. “We undertook the Peace Act as a trial run toward our ultimate goal. And, our ultimate means of survival. We’re joining the races. Not just by living together in peace,” he paused, “but by uniting the races—bonding.”

Chapter Seventeen

A RUCKUS BROKE OUT, and Kythan jumped from their seats, wearing shocked expressions. I was unable to move. When what Mr. Tuner had said finally sank in, I swung my head toward Reese. He was already looking at me. I studied his features, trying to assess if he’d known this was coming. But his eyes reflected the fear I felt.

Lana reached across my lap and rested her hand on Jace’s arm. “Looks like we were way, way off,” she said, trying to draw his attention from their father. Then she sat back, giving her father the evilest look I’d ever seen from her.

Mr. Tuner slammed a gavel. What, did he think this was court? “Please, settle down.” When his order went ignored, he snapped his fingers into the microphone. The back doors swung open and Narcos dressed in battle uniforms stormed in holding weapons.

Oh, God.

The student body immediately fell quiet and sat back down. “Now. Let’s continue.” Mr. Tuner looked around, daring anyone to object. “I didn’t mean it lightly when I said our species is in danger. If we can’t find a way to survive without the humans, in less than a hundred years—less than one Kythan lifetime—we’ll cease to exist.”

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult