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I slammed another box onto the foyer floor. I wanted my brain to stop. On my way back to my room, I passed my communicator. I stared at the blank analog screen. No messages. I’d held it all night after sending Reese numerous messages—waiting, praying he’d send one back. Tell me everything would be fine. For some reason, I needed his reassurance. What a crappy girlfriend I was. I’d been the one to hurt him, and I wanted him to make me feel better.

Later that evening, Mom made my favorite dinner: pot roast and potatoes. It was the best comfort food, though not even her double-layer chocolate cake could fill the void tearing into the pit of my stomach. I went to bed that night—my communicator tucked under my pillow—trying desperately to fall asleep. Somehow, I managed.

I awoke bright and early Monday morning to an overcast sky. Mom helped me cart my two loaded-down boxes onto the Academy steam shuttle. It would be one of the only times I rode it. Once going to the Academy—once leaving. My world was about to change…again.

The triplets weren’t on the shuttle. Their dad, being a Council member, had alternate transportation. I watched Haven pass with trepidation in my heart. I was excited to begin a new chapter in my life—especially since I could disguise my power—but I was anxious about seeing Reese and Jace.

I stared through the fogged window, downhearted. I still hadn’t figured out what to say to Jace. But deep inside, I knew what I had to do: not be with either. It was the only logical choice that wouldn’t hurt either one any further.

We hovered up to the Academy grounds. The three-story stone building stood looming over downtown Haven. It was set back against the forest, the boundary of the town, behind an eight-foot high wrought iron gate. Steam puffed from the gate’s hinges as it squeaked open.

I’d never set foot in the Academy before. Not even for a tour, the way humans did before they went off to a boarding school or college. I didn’t know if the Academy operated on steam or Charge. I wondered if the Council had hidden or removed anything Shythe powered before allowing the Narcos to enter. I shook the thought from my head. Jace’s paranoia was still toying with my mind.

Although I felt safe, I couldn’t help wishing I’d been able to bring my Charge Dagger. I’d left it hidden under my mattress. I rubbed my foot against my ankle, where it usually lay.

As we exited the steam shuttle, faculty members greeted us, helping load our luggage and boxes onto motorized carting devices. I shook hands with a Shythe man named Mr. Liam, who was going to be my chemistry teacher. He didn’t look very much older than me, and he wore circular copper-rimmed glasses and an innocent, boyish smile. His messy, reddish-brown hair was cropped short, and stubble sprinkled his fair skin along his jaw.

I walked along the cobbled walkway toward the Academy, staring up at its many coned rooftops. It looked like an updated version of a gothic castle—dark and ominous—something straight out of a horror novel. I shivered. Humans knew it was an academy, but a very prestigious one that only allowed a small number in. I wondered how many angry parents had tried to bribe the headmaster into accepting their kids.

The thick mahogany doors parted as Mr. Liam led me into the lobby. My mouth hung agape as I noticed Kythan walking around in their shifted forms. I glanced at Mr. Liam, who was smiling at me but remained in his human form.

“We have no need to hide our true selves here,” he said. “You’re welcome to shift.”

I smiled, burying my unease. “That’s okay. Think I’d like to get settled first.” He arched an eyebrow. “I’m just used to being in human form.”

“I was like that at first, too.” He ushered me down a long corridor. “Probably best anyway. We always have to resort back to our human forms, eventually.”

We paused before a large copper gate. He pulled a lever and the gears on the gate turned. Rumbling echoed through the hallway as an above level moved down before me. The gate whined open, and I hesitated before stepping inside the small area.

“It’s all right,” he said, beckoning me to follow him in. “It’s a lift. Most of Haven has no need for them with its smaller buildings, but other parts of the world have them.” He smiled reassuringly.

We rode the lift up to the top level, and the gate opened to a long hallway with mahogany doors scattered along light stone walls. We walked past a couple of them before Mr. Liam pointed to room 233.

I opened the door. Lana was folding clothes on her bed. “Hey! You made it…finally.” She bounced over, giving me a hug.

“You weren’t joking,” I said, pulling ou

t of her embrace. “We really are roomies.” I glanced around the room. It wasn’t large, but it was comfortable. Warm mahogany paneled the walls. I was relieved, as the rest of the Academy felt too cold with its stone.

Carved crystals decorated the room, transmitting a soft glow. No gas lamps here, I noted.

“Are you kidding?” Lana shook her head. “I told you. I drove my dad insane till he got us a room together.” She walked over and began layering clothes into a chest of drawers. Then she turned toward the window. “Check this out.”

I slugged over to the beveled out, floor-to-ceiling window. “Wow,” I said, stepping between the burgundy curtains. “You can see most of downtown from here.” I watched steam trolleys, autos, and hover-bikes zip across the roadways.

“Yeah, makes you realize how small Haven is.”

“Lana,” I said, laughing. “Haven isn’t that small. We’ve just never been anywhere else.” My heart sank with the knowledge of that statement. Shythe rarely left the haven. But if the Peace Act worked, and there was no fear of the Narcos anymore, it was possible that one day I might leave.

Mr. Liam finished unloading the cart. “See you girls in class tomorrow. Remember, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask the faculty.” He smiled his boyish smile and added, “Welcome to the Academy.” He left, shutting the door behind him with a loud click.

I stood at the window, staring out over Haven. I could see the airships looming over the bay. My chest burned as I wondered whether Reese was on board one of them or already here. Lana must have seen the expression on my face. She knew I was still upset over Jace, but she didn’t know the half of it. And I was grateful she didn’t ask. She sauntered up beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

She inhaled deeply, staring through the window with me. “Yup,” she said. “Welcome to the Academy.”

Chapter Fourteen

THE NEXT MORNING, Lana and I left our unit and headed for the auditorium. There was a mandatory introductory assembly scheduled for our first block.

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult