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Jace crossed his arms over his chest as I finally dropped my hands. “Great.” He hung his head, kicking the leg of a chair. “Then we just give them what they want? Run like cowards. Let them think they can treat us any way, huh?” His blue eyes met mine.

“No,” I said. “You said they want a fight, right? Well, walking away and ignoring them is not giving them what they want. You have to get a hold on your temper.”

Jace’s lips curled into a side-grin. “You’re being the voice of reason?” He grabbed my hand. “Funny, coming from the girl who decked a Narco just last night.”

My mouth dropped open. “I—” I snapped my mouth shut. He had a point. “But that was different, Jace. I was caught off guard. And that guy…” My eyes shot toward the window as I tried to complete my thoughts on Reese. He was still watching us. Heat crept up the back of my neck. What was it about him that got under my skin?

Jace arched an eyebrow. “Different? He baited you and you took it.” He smirked. “It’s cool, Dez. We can make an exception for your temper.”

“Shut up.” I bit back a smile. “Come on. Let’s just get out of here.” I glanced over to see Lana and Nick at the counter paying for the food.

Jace laced his fingers through mine and tugged me behind him. As we approached the doors, the Narcos stepped aside, allowing us to exit. I kept my eyes on Jace, making sure he wouldn’t do something stupid. We were almost to the levibikes when Reese called out.

“Hey,” he said, nodding in my direction. “I was thinking we could finish our dance soon.”

Jace halted. His fingers gripped mine, and I squeezed back reassuringly. I glanced between the both of them. Reese smiled, his red eyes beaming. Jace’s eyes ignited, glowing a wild blue. I shook my head and led Jace toward the levibikes.

“Come on,” Reese continued. “We were so rudely interrupted last night. But I have to admit, I liked that love tap.”

I shot my head around, and Reese rubbed the side of his jaw. Jace dropped my hand and stalked toward him. I took off after Jace, but it was too late. He grabbed Reese by his jacket collar and pinned him against the window. The other two Narcos watched with amused expressions.

“So you like to dance, do you?” Jace snarled. “How about with me? Think you might find my love tap a little more convincing.”

Reese laughed. “Dude, I thought she was better trained. She should have known not to run.” He glanced at me. “It’s instinct. I honestly wasn’t going to hurt her.” Then his eyes burned fire red as he stared into Jace’s. “But you and I will be a different story if you don’t take your hands off me…right now.”

The doors pushed open. Lana ran over to me, and Nick grabbed Jace’s arms, wrenching their death grip from Reese. I took a step, wanting to help Nick, but Lana grabbed my hand, holding me back.

“Come on, dude. He’s not worth it,” Nick told Jace, finally breaking them apart.

Reese smoothed out his collar. “You’re just going to have to get used to us. We’re not going anywhere.”

Jace whirled on him. “Touch her again, and I’ll shove that stupid Treaty Act right up your ass.”

One of the other Narcos came forward. “You better watch your mouth, Shythe.” He rubbed his hands together, and red sparked in their center. “We’ve been given clearance to defend ourselves if we feel threatened.” He leered at Jace.

“Just stay the hell out of our way, and we’ll stay out of yours,” Jace said. “Don’t even think of going back to Cogs.” He laced his arms over his chest.

Reese matched Jace’s stance. “That sounds like a threat.” He looked around at his buddies. “It’s not your club. We have every right to be there.”

Nick stepped forward. “We were there first!”

Jace rolled his eyes, pushing his brother back down. “Let me handle it,” he said under his breath. He turned back toward Reese. “Don’t go back there. And if I see you so much as look at Dez, I’ll knock those beady red eyes right out of your skull.”

“Dez?” Reese raised his eyebrows and looked at me. “I like it.” He winked.

Nick latched onto Jace right before he bolted toward Reese. He hauled him back to where Lana and I stood. “Jace,” Nick said. “Let it go, man. They’re just looking to get us into trouble.”

“Dammit.” Jace gritted his teeth. “I can’t wait until we get our full power. Screw the Treaty Act.” He climbed onto his levibike and fired it up.

He offered me his hand, and I took it, seating myself behind him. Lana and Nick took off ahead of us. Jace gave the Narcos one last glare before we sped off. I glanced back, and Reese was staring at me, a grin on his face. I couldn’t understand why he was singling me out. If Reese wanted to get Jace to fight, why was he picking on me?

I shook my head and stared at the cobbled roadway ahead of us. Whatever his tactic, it was working. Jace was pissed. And come next week, after his change, I was scared Jace really would end the Treaty Act.

We decided on Haven Community Park for the picnic. I wanted the soothing effect of nature to help calm Jace, but he wanted to calm down in his own way. Sparring. We both agreed the woods were the safest choice. It was secluded, and we’d be able to train without being seen.

We rode past the iron gates and parked next to the bike ramp.

Lana bounced off the back of Nick’s levibike. “Well, that was fun.” She adjusted her mini-corset and grabbed her leather duffle and the food.

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult