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I drop low and crawl onto the dais, then sprint for the back temple door. It’s closing, and the Romans will block it off if I don’t make it. Always faster, Phoenix rushes past me and wedges himself in the crack of darkness before the door slams shut.

“Go!” he shouts.

I duck under his arms and pump my legs, my sandaled feet slapping the hard stone. The retreating Romans aren’t far ahead. Phoenix’s footfalls sound close behind.

My vision adjusts quickly to the dark corridor. Low-burning torches light the expanse, revealing our foes and my pharaoh. I call forth Charge, chasing the darkness farther away, and send a bolt down the stretch. It hits its mark—Octavian’s shoulder—and he spills to the ground.

The soldiers raise their spathas, but when they see my fierce snarl, my canines bared and blue eyes ablaze, they retreat. A wave of relief washes over me. I only want to get Xarion away from here. I’m sick of fighting—sick of death. I want to live a life with him.

Politics be damned.

Xarion reaches his shackled arms out to me and I run into them. “Oh gods. Oh gods.” Prayers tumble from my lips as I enclose my arms around him, breathe in his scent. Revel in the feel of his strong embrace.

His hands smooth my hair, and he presses his lips to my forehead. “I’ll never leave you.”

Tears well in my eyes, and I blink them away.

“Get up, you sack of pig shit.” Phoenix’s enraged voice cuts into our suspended moment, and I crane my head to see him yanking Octavian up by his cape.

“Phoenix,” I say, my breaths labored. “End him quickly. We must go.” The sounds of the riot grow closer. It won’t be long until the Narcos enter the corridor, seeking vengeance on not only Candra, but the general they won a war for only to be deceived.

I look into Xarion eyes and say, “Together. Forever.”

His cheeks dimple as his beautiful lips stretch into a pained smile. “And I’ll always find you.”

My brow furrows, but Phoenix steals my attention with a shout before I can question Xarion’s response.

Xarion and I both turn our heads as Phoenix positions his Flame-engulfed fist to deliver a killing blow to a recoiling Octavian—but a white beam of light drives Phoenix and the Roman apart as it hits Phoenix in the chest. He flies back.

“Phoenix!” I lurch toward his prone body but then halt, torn between helping him and guarding Xarion. My hand stays sealed on Xarion’s arm.

Octavian scrambles to the stone wall, bracing his hands against it to push himself onto his feet.

Panic pouring through my body, I whip around and force Xarion behind me. “Run, Xarion—” My effort is too little as a blow strikes my head. Blinding light blacks out my vision. My legs crumple beneath me and I hit the ground hard.

As I slowly stagger to my hands and knees, my vision clearing, my gaze locks on to my foe standing before me. Gods, I’m going to tear her silver eyes from her skull.

Candra sends another beam at me and I roll. It hits the stone near my head. I curse and bound to my feet—and my breath is knocked from my lungs. My chest wracked in a vise. Candra has Xarion before her on his knees, her illuminated hands clutching his shoulders.

Xarion’s eyes plead with me as he struggles to make the slightest movement, his body unresponsive under her power. My mind flashes to the desert, to the moment when Candra stole Xarion into the aether, and it’s even more painful reliving it now.

My hands curl into fists by my thighs. “It’s done, Candra. And it’s not long before the Narcos find you. Run. Go enjoy your life of servitude. Because if you harm him, I won’t stop until I see you dead.”

She no longer wears her mask of superiority. Her features are hard and twisted as she glares at me. “You knew the scepter was cursed. I deemed to free our kind, and you chose a human over your own kindred. You think me a rogue. But it is you who are the rogue. You’re a betrayer of your own family, Star.”

I hold my breath and debate my next move. Farther down the corridor, Phoenix stirs, his arms pushing him onto his knees. If I can distract her, maybe—

“Kill him!” Octavian enters my peripheral as he strides toward Candra. He stops a safe distance from her. “Don’t forget who can end your life—Finish it!”

Baring her sharp teeth, Candra sneers at him. Then her eyes snap back to me as the doors of the corridor burst open from both ends. The shouts of infuriated Narcos fill the dank air, and I chance a move during the diversion.

I lunge at Candra.

In a second she’s gone, taking Xarion into the aether. My knees and palms scrape against the coarse stone as I try to slow my fall. Jerking my head around, I search for her black wispy tentacles. They appear farther away from me as Candra and Xarion rematerialize.

Candra glances behind her—a decision to make.

Vanish now and live.

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult