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I try to pull out of his grip, but his hold is solid. I’m desperate to be away from his shrewd gaze. “You don’t know your partner as well as you think, Quinn. And you know nothing about me or what I’m going through.” Finally, I tear out of his hold as the shock of my words seizes him.

“You said something to that effect last night.”

Backing away, I put even more distance between us. “Then you should probably hear me clearly by now. I don’t need a hero to swoop in and save me. And I’m pretty sure Sadie doesn't, either. Besides, she’s found someone, Quinn. You need to let it go.”

My accusation hits him like a slap across the face, and for a second, regret tears through me. “Right,” he recovers quickly. “You must think I’m pretty transparent.”

I shrug, my body and mind exhausted. “Next time you come here, keep focused on the job.”

“You called me last night, remember?” His eyebrows hike.

“You’re right—I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”

My harsh declaration hangs heavily in the lab as I turn my back to Quinn. I can still feel his penetrating stare as I push through the double doors. I force my feet to keep going. If I don’t get enough distance between us, I’ll turn back, and I’m not strong enough to keep up this front with Quinn much longer.


The Job


Keep focused on the job. Damn straight I am.

I’m tired of being on edge around the trim in my department. Fucking women.

Avery’s given me permission to let it go—and so that’s what I?

??m doing. She’s a big girl. She knows better than anyone what she needs. And she’s made it clear that I can’t help. No surprise there. I’m just relieved I’m off the hook.

Now I can get back to doing what I do best.

I steer toward the crime scene where yellow tape marks off the Dumpster on the alley side of 11th Street. The fact that the perp chose a fucking Dumpster as the body dumpsite ratchets up my annoyance. It’s unimaginative.

As I park, I observe the area. It’s a high-end type atmosphere. The Dumpster is shared by a couple of restaurants and one bar. The bar, or lounge, is a swanky lawyer joint set amid the Courthouse Metro District.

I can read a lot into the perp just by his selection process—or lack of process—of the dumpsite, but I can’t deny that I’m missing Sadie’s extra observant insight into the perp’s behavior right about now.

I scroll through my contacts until I come up on her name. She left specific instructions to contact her with anything imperative. My thumb hovers over her name, ready to put that into effect, but Avery’s accusation bleeds into my conscience. Dammit.

Instead, I click off the screen and climb out of my Crown Vic, shaking off my moment of weakness.

That’s all it is. Weakness. There’s nothing about this case that the department can’t handle. That I can’t handle. Until I decide my next move, I need to get used to working without a partner.

I spot Carson talking to a waitress near the dumpsite. Yeah, he’s working the case all right. Working that waitress with the short skirt real well.

I clear my throat as I sidle up beside him.

His back visibly straightens. “Thank you for your time, Melody.”

The girl tosses her head, clearing the bright pink and red streaks of hair from her eyes, then stubs out her cigarette with the toe of her boot. “Yeah, no problem. Like I said, I’m not sticking around here much longer. Hope you catch the creep.”

I hold up a hand, halting her retreat. “Miss, one more second. Please.”

“Make it half a second, duce. I gotta get my girl to her gig.” She nods to another young woman sporting an even shorter jean skirt seated on a motorcycle.

We interviewed everyone from the adjourning businesses last night, canvassed the nearby neighborhood today, but somehow missed this one waitress. “Were you working last night?”

She shakes her head. “No. Like I told your partner here, I’ve only been in Arlington for a couple of days. Tonight’s my first shift, thanks to a friend who got me the hookup.” She glances around the alley. “But to be honest, I don’t need this crazy-ass, serial killer shit you guys got going on here. Not in my life. Soon as I heard the news…” She throws up her hands. “We’re riding out tonight after Dar’s shift.”

Tags: Trisha Wolfe The Broken Bonds Dark