Page 21 of The Other Girl

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I hear a whisper from Dr. Leighton: shrine making…

“No, it’s not,” I insist.

The picture from the bulletin board falls to the desk, and I pick it up. I run the pad of my finger over the image as I remember his tender lips on mine, his heated touches.

A knock on the door startles me, and I quickly tuck the picture and file away in my drawer and lock it. “Come in.”

Sue enters my office. I adopt a bright smile. “How can I help you, Sue?”

She walks into my office and closes the door behind her. She has yet to tell me why she’s here, and all I want is for her to leave. I try to suppress the irritation and force a smile. She doesn’t sit, and when her dull eyes finally meet mine, I can see the trouble brewing.

“We need to talk,” she says.

Nothing good ever follows that statement.

I relax my mouth, working out the kink in my jaw from holding the smile too long. I let my face rest in its natural state. This seems to unnerve Sue. Leisurely, I walk to my desk chair and take a seat, cross my legs.

“Have a seat, Sue. Relax.” I fan my hand through the air, offering her the chair in front of the desk.

She quickly checks behind her, as if she’s fearful we’re not alone, before she finally sits. “I saw what happened with Carter Hensley in the auditorium,” she says abruptly.

I arch an eyebrow. “What happened?” I repeat in a questioning tone, purposely patronizing.

She tilts her head, gaze drilled into me. “It was strange, Ellis. And frankly, quite worrisome.”

I cross my arms, shielding my hands from her view as I allow silence to fill the office. My nails cut deeply into my palms. I try to curb the desire to launch toward her and throttle her wrinkly neck.

She’s being vague on purpose, wanting me to fill in the blanks. She’s hoping that I’ll become so rattled by her direct questioning that I’ll be quick to correct the incident…if there was one.

I release a breath, uncross my arms. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Sue. You’re going to have to provide more details.”

Her face pinches in annoyance. “I saw him grab you. I saw the heated exchange between you two.”

“I’m sorry—” I stand and walk around my desk “—I’m not sure what you want, Sue. Is there a reason why you’re here, saying this to me?”

I lean against the front of the desk so that I’m gazing down at her. This forces her to angle her head up at me, placing her in an uncomfortable position.

“I’m worried for you,” she says, her tone becoming concerned, forced. “If he did something to hurt you, Ellis, you need to report him.”

I nod once as I puzzle out her angle. “I assure you, I have matters under control. Now…” I push off the desk and return to my seat. “I have an appointment soon.”

She scoffs under her breath as she stands. “Seriously, Ellis—”

“Seriously, Sue, this is none of your business.”

“Fine. But I won’t give him such an easy pass in my classroom.”

I watch her walk to the door, making sure she leaves, before I exhale a heavy breath. I knew Sue might become a problem for Carter, and in a very short time, she’s proven to be a problem for me. She’s just too nosy for her own good.

There’s another knock at the door, and I tersely ask the person to enter before I’m able to curb my frustration.

Ms. Jansen enters with a hesitant expression masking her face. “Sorry, Ellis, but I have a student…” Her words trail off.

“What is it? What are you staring at?” Polite etiquette is too difficult to muster. My fuse has been lit, and it’s a short one.

“Your hands… Is that blood?” she stammers. “God, are you all right?”

I look down at my palms. “Oh. I didn’t notice. Must be papercuts.” I quickly push my hands under the desk, then stare at her expectantly. “You can send them in. Thank you.”

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Dark