Page 67 of Savage (The End 1)

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Her pussy was all juicy looking. Malachi wanted to see his cum slipping out of her. He lowered his face right up to her cunt. She smelled sweet and musky, and there was the slight scent of him on her.

He growled low.

Malachi ate her out then, licked her slit from pussy hole to clit, and then moved back down again. Shoving his tongue into her opening, he fucked her with it until she started grinding herself back against his mouth. “Baby,” she groaned.

“Rub that pussy on my face. Fuck yourself on me.” Fuck, she tasted sweet. “Make yourself come all over my face.”

“Yes,” she cried out breathlessly. “Malachi, yes.”

He flattened his tongue and dragged it back up to her clit, sucking the little pearl into his mouth at the same time as he shoved a finger into her. Curling the digit around until he felt that little hidden bundle of nerves, he pushed another finger into her and started stroking.

Shit, she felt like fucking silk.

She was murmuring incoherent things, and he moved his mouth away to watch what was about to happen.

“That’s it, baby. Give me this.”

“God.” She lifted up her ass a little more, and he felt a tremor work over her entire body as she came for him.

Malachi pulled his fingers out and went back to teasing her clit. His woman was crying out now, but he didn’t stop rubbing her until she fell onto her belly and begged him to stop.

Christ, he was hard as steel.

“Malachi,” she whispered. When she turned her head to the side, he saw a small smile on her face.

He fucking loved that he’d put that look on her face.

Malachi took hold of the root of his shaft and started stroking himself. He could get off on the look of her pleasure alone. “On your back, baby girl.”

She instantly rolled over for him, presenting herself. When he was between her splayed thighs, positioned at her entrance again, he stared into her eyes. Slowly he pushed into her this time, never taking his eyes off of her. He wanted to prolong this, to make it last. But she was too gorgeous, felt too good.

Resting his arms beside her head, he buried himself in her wet cunt and made love to her slow and easy. She was fucking perfect, tight and hot and all his.

In and out, keeping the same pace every time, and experiencing the buildup of orgasm, Malachi closed his eyes and growled low. He felt his climax approach, knew he’d come in a matter of moments because the ecstasy was too much to stem off.

It started as a tingling at the base of his spine and moved quickly through him. “Fuck, Sasha. Baby.” He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. “I’m going to come.” He went to move out of her, to come on her belly, but she held him close.

“Don’t pull out,” she whispered. “Come in me. Fill me up.”

Oh. Fuck.

He should be smart, because a baby right now wasn’t what they needed. But fuck it was hard stopping.

He bumped her clit with the base of his cock when he thrust into her again. She cried out. Malachi didn’t stop himself from leaning down and kissing her just as his climax claimed him.

He came harder than he ever had, even when he’d jerked off thinking about Sasha. It sucked the air from his lungs, stole his sanity, and he knew he would never be the same.

Sasha was fucking his.

He groaned once more and stilled as his pleasure finally receded. They lay there for several minutes, neither saying anything, Malachi still buried balls deep in her tight pussy. When he pulled back, a grunt left him when his dick slipped free of her warm pussy. For a second all he did was stare between her legs and watch as his cum slipped out of her.

Possessiveness filled him.

She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward her, on top of her.

“Malachi. Hold me,” she murmured softly.

He held her close, moved his hand through her hair and pushed the strands away from her shoulder, and then he leaned down and kissed her skin. She tasted slightly salty … perfect.

She was here with him, pressed close to his body, and he wasn’t going to ever let her go.

Chapter Forty-Three

Wrong time, bad world

Sasha wanted to stay in the supply closet forever. Her body felt different. She was no longer a virgin. No longer innocent. Malachi lay beside her, and she couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you smiling at?” he asked.


“What about me? Do you regret what we just did?”


“Then what is it?”

“I’m glad we did what we did.”

“But?” he asked.

“But nothing. Really, I don’t have any regrets. Do you?”


“Good.” She tentatively put a hand on his stomach. They had gotten dressed as soon as they had finished. Malachi had found a piece of tissue to help her clean herself with, and he’d been really sweet and kind to her.

Tags: Jenika Snow, Sam Crescent The End Romance