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Anger would have been safer, but all he felt was a strange, wistfully compelling need-to talk to her again, see her eyes, her face, hear what she said when he told her the mare was hers-a gift so she could ride wild, but safe. The memory of her husky tones slid through his mind. As long as he didn’t touch her, surely one last private meeting would be safe.

Francesca didn’t hear the thud of hooves pursuing her until she slowed the mare. The horse was perfect, wondrously responsive; she sent it circling in a prancing arc, ready to streak back to the castle if the rider was no one she knew.

One glance and she recognized him. The moon was fully risen; it bathed him in silver, etching his face, leaving half in shadow. He was wearing a loose riding jacket, a pale shirt and neckcloth. The powerful muscles of his thighs were delineated by tight breeches tucked into long boots. She couldn’t read his expression; his eyes she couldn’t see. But as she slowed the mare, then halted and let him approach, she sensed no fury, no violent emotions, but something else. Something more careful, uncertain. Tilting her head, she studied him as he drew the huge grey to a halt before her.

It was the first time they’d met since those wild moments in the forest. From tomorrow, they’d live with each other, turbulent emotions and all. Perhaps that was why they both said nothing, but simply looked-as if trying to establish some frame of reference in which to move into this next stage of their lives.

They were both breathing just a little deeper than could be excused by their ride.

“How do you find her?” He nodded at the mare.

Francesca smiled and set the mare dancing. “She’s perfect.” She tried a few fancy steps-the mare performed without hesitation. “She’s very obedient.”

“Good.” He was watching like a hawk, assuring himself that she could indeed control all that latent energy. When she halted, he turned the grey alongside. “She’s yours.”

She laughed delightedly. “Thank you, my lord. I overheard two stableboys-they said you’d bought her for some lady. I had to confess I hoped she was for me.”

“Your wish has been granted.”

She saw his lips lift and smiled gloriously. “Thank you. You could not have chosen a gift I’d treasure more.” She’d thank him properly later-she had plenty of time.

“Come-we should start back.”

She set the mare to pace the grey as they headed back toward the castle. From a trot they progressed to a canter, then he pushed into a gallop. She realized he was trying out the mare’s paces by default. Setting herself to reassure him, she held the mare to precisely the right clip, easing back as he did when they reached the escarpment.

He led the way down; she kept the mare in the wake of the grey. They wound their way around to the stable block. She drew in a deep breath, then slowly exhaled as the paddock giving onto the back of the stable drew near.

She couldn’t imagine a more soothing, reassuring way to have passed the evening before their wedding. They might not know each other well, but they had enough solid connections on which to base a marriage. Her nerves had settled. Of tomorrow and the future, she felt confident and assured.

“We need to be reasonably quiet.” He dismounted before the stable door. “My head stableman lives over the coach barn, and he’s very protective of his charges.”

She kicked her feet free and slid down.

Gyles led the grey into the stable, turned the horse into his stall, then quickly unsaddled. The gypsy went past with the mare; he heard her crooning softly to the horse.

Leaving the grey, he strode to the mare’s stall and was in time to lift the saddle from the mare’s back. The gypsy rewarded him with a heart-stopping smile, then picked up a handful of straw and started brushing down the mare.

Gyles stowed her saddle and tack, then fetched his. He would have to guide her back to her room without being seen by anyone. And without touching her. He wasn’t fool enough to imagine achieving that would be easy-just seeing her again, hearing her voice again, had evoked something he could only describe as a yearning. A need for her-a deep-seated emptiness that only she could fill.

But he wasn’t going to let it rule him. Ruin him. As long as he didn’t touch her, he’d survive.

Quickly brushing down the grey, he checked the horse’s feed and water, then shut the stall and returned to the gypsy. She was finished, too, just checking the water, still crooning, softly sultry, to the mare. He was quite sure the horse would be ruined for anyone else.

The gypsy saw him. With a last pat, she left the mare and stepped into the aisle. Tense as a bowstring, Gyles shut the stall door and latched it.

“Thank you.”

Her voice had changed-lowered-smoky, sultry, seductive. Gyles turned-

She stepped into him, twined her arms about his neck, stretched up against him, and kissed him.

The simple, passionate kiss slew him-slew all his good intentions, slew any chance of him escaping-or of her escaping him. His arms closed about her and he crushed her to him, bent his head, and took control of the kiss.

She tasted of wind and wildness, of the exhilaration of riding free and fast, unfettered, unrestrained. The invitation in her kiss was explicit-they spoke the same language, understood each other perfectly; there was no need for thought between them.

Arching against him, she drew him deeper, deeper into their kiss, deeper into her wonder. He held her against him and marveled at her bounty, at the promise inherent in her soft curves and supple limbs. His hands went searching; so did hers. And then she was cupping him, cradling him, fondling him-inexpertly admittedly, yet her desire was very clear. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

That want hit Gyles with a punch that stole his breath, and shook a few of his laggard wits into

Tags: Stephanie Laurens Cynster Historical