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She walked with him to the sliding glass door and said, “I’m glad you’re home, Ev. Did you go and see Mom yet?”

He pulled her in and gave her a hug, then said, “Yeah. I stopped by on my way down. I’ll go visit again next weekend, maybe. Once I get settled.”

When he saw his plants, he winced. One of them lay on its side. The moss and wood chips that had been in the pot lay scattered on the ground next to it. Evan bent down and started to scoop them up.

Christina said, “Dammit. I am so sorry. I told them not to touch it.”

Evan waved her apology away and said, “It should be all right, I think.”

He gave a start when his sister bellowed, “Steven! Cory! Out here now!”

Picking up his plants, he made his way out to his SUV and loaded them in the back. He really hoped the one that had been tipped over would be okay. Orchids were finicky.

When he came back inside, two very sad voices said, “I’m sorry, Uncle Evan. I hope we didn’t kill your plant.”

He found it difficult to be mad at them, but he knew his sister was trying to make a point. He frowned and said, “I forgive you guys, but you should listen to your mom.”

Reaching down, he gave them both hugs and said, “See you guys later.”

Picking up the last plant, Christina gave the boys one last stink eye and then walked with him out to his car.

When they reached the back of his SUV, he took the plant from her and placed it in the back. Closing the trunk, he said, “Thanks for watching my plants.”

Wincing, she said, “Sorry about the one. I hope it doesn’t die.”

“I don’t think it will. Don’t worry about it. They’re kids. That being said, the greenhouse is off limits to them forever,” he said, grinning.

He reached out and pulled her in for another hug. As she squeezed him, she asked, “When will you go see the rest of them?”

Resting his chin on top of her head for a minute, he said, “Donnie and Patty, tomorrow night. Will and Michael on Tuesday. I haven’t gotten a call back from Maureen yet. Jamie is coming to help me paint on Thursday night. I promised him beer and pizza.”

“I love her, but Mo can be a bit of a flake. Keep on trying,” Christina said.

Giving her one last squeeze, he said, “I’ll call you this weekend. You can come by and see the finished product. I should have the sign up, the repairs done, and the paint finished by then. I think, unless I have any unforeseen repairs, I should be able to open on Monday.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Drive careful and keep me posted on your new tenant.”

Narrowing his eyes, he said, “See ya later, Teeny.”

Chapter 3

Taryn’s muscles ached, her head pounded, and she was utterly exhausted. She knew that being a vet for the zoo would be rough some days. She just hadn’t realized that it would be her first day on the job. Last night, or early this morning she guessed, she’d gotten a frantic phone call from her boss, Mike. Shelby, the pregnant Asian elephant, had started to go into labor so it was all hands on deck.

Fifteen hours later, dead on her feet, she walked home from the bus stop. Biting back a yawn, she noticed the door to the flower shop was open.

Poking her head in, she saw that Evan had taken up the old linoleum and that he’d added wood in its place. She was startled when she heard his voice behind her.

“Hey, Princess. How was the first day?” he asked.

When she turned around, his eyes widened slightly. She held up a hand and said, “Please don’t say it. I’ve been up since two in the morning. Our very pregnant elephant decided she was going to give birth. I’m only running on about three hours sleep.”

“Ouch,” he said. “Did it go well?”

“It’s not even done yet. Elephants usually take two or three days to actually give birth. We’re going to be on twelve hour shifts ‘til Wednesday, I think.”

She gave him a smile and added, “The floor will look nice when it’s done.”

“Thanks. I thought it was nicer than what was in there before. Hung the sign, too.”

Tags: Michelle Roth Second Chances Paranormal