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He gave a short laugh and said, “You’re the best gift giver of all time, Princess. You totally nailed the gift for me and also the thing for my mom.”

“Good,” she said. “I try to think of things that people wouldn’t normally get for themselves.”

“Speaking of gifts,” he said, pulling back. “I want to go put that in the green house. Then I’m giving you your gift.”

Together, they went up to the roof and he cleared a spot for the orchid.

“Jesus,” he said. “I can’t believe you got me this!”

“I’m glad you like it,” Taryn said, unable to stop the smile that stretched across her face. “The lady who sold it to me left care instructions and her email address. If you have questions, you can ask her. I get the impression she’s mostly wholesale, so you might be able to get other exotics from her, too.”

“Have I mentioned that you’re fantastic?” he asked.

She pursed her lips as she thought back. Finally she said, “Ehh, I don’t think you have, actually.”

“Not even once?” he asked.

“Not that I can recall.”

He moved to stand in front of her, pulled her into his arms then brushed his mouth against hers. “Fantastic,” he said.

She smiled and said, “You’re pretty fabulous, yourself.”

He nodded in agreement, which made her smile. Then said, “Now it’s time for your present,” as he tugged at her hand.

They walked into his apartment and said, “Wait here.”

He disappeared into his bedroom then came out a minute later holding a huge box wrapped in shiny red paper.

“The gift wrapping wasn’t me,” he said. “I hope you’ll overlook the fact that the gift is a little self-serving.”

She shot him a glance and asked, “Self-serving?”

He rolled his eyes and said, “Just open it.”

Taryn pulled the ribbon away from the box gently and then tore into the paper. Her eyes widened as the picture on the side of the box came into view.

“Holy shit! You got me a KitchenAid!” she said. “And it’s pink!”

She scurried over to where he stood, and threw herself into his arms. She gave him a smacking kiss and said, “This is awesome! Thank you!”

He cleared his throat and said, “You’re banned from getting any attachments until after Christmas. Don’t ask me why.”

She grinned and said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. And you’re right. This is a little self-serving. Under the circumstances, that’s totally okay though.”

She’d been eying a stand mixer for the past month or so. She wanted to experiment with baking, maybe get the sausage-making attachment. And the pasta-making attachment!

* * * *

Later that night, as he slept next to her, thoughts were swirling around her overactive mind. Things had moved along at warp speed since they’d started dating. It had only been two months, and she’d fallen headlong into love with him. It had only been two months, yet he could see inside her and had given her so much.

The pragmatist in her knew it was only a matter of time before it would end. Inevitably, he’d leave. Anyone she had ever loved, had eventually left.

Even as she thought it, she felt a sharp pang in her chest. She let out a shaky sigh and shifted. As if he knew what was going through her mind, even in his sleep, he shifted and pulled her back against him.

Jeez. He really did know her.

Chapter 16

Tags: Michelle Roth Second Chances Paranormal