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“My humble advice is to date someone else. Maybe you’ll get over him. He seems pretty stuck on the whole landlord thing. If that’s what he wants, then there’s not a ton you can do about it.”

“I don’t think that’s actually what he wants, though,” Taryn said.

“Then perhaps seeing you with another person might help him work through his issues.”

Taryn considered that for a moment and said, “Maybe I just need to get over it. He can continue to star in my naughty landlord-tenant fantasies and I can date a less complicated man.”

“LOL. Do that. Now, can I go back to bed?”

“You may. Thank you,” Taryn typed quickly.

* * * *

Taryn had successfully avoided Evan since their encounter on the roof. There had been no stopping by the shop, no hanging out, no dinner and a movie nights. She’d decided that Cora was right. This was torturous to keep putting herself in his path. Whether he wanted her or not didn’t matter if he was unable or unwilling to do something about it.

The Halloween thing at Darla’s was tonight. Maybe she’d meet someone or at least find a distraction of some kind. God knows, she could certainly use a distraction.

Hearing the knock on her apartment door, she opened it. Cora was dressed in a cheerleader uniform that Taryn recognized from high school. She took one look at Taryn and said, “Dear lord. You weren’t kidding. That is the sluttiest Little Red Riding Hood costume I’ve ever seen. I’m impressed!”

Laughing, Taryn said, “Thanks. I think.”

Cora flopped down on the sofa and asked, “Are you almost ready?”

Putting on a coat of cherry red lipstick, Taryn said, “I am ready.”

Slipping into a pair of spike heels, she grabbed her purse and keys. After locking her door, they walked across the street to Darla’s. The entire place was packed.

Cora shouted over the music to be heard, “Whoa! This is the most people I’ve seen in here. Ever.”

“No kidding!” she said, as she scanned the crowd for the rest of the girls from work. Spotting everyone at the bar, they worked their way toward them.

Over the next hour they managed to snag a table and chairs. The crowd began to thin out just a bit when karaoke started. As per ritual, she and Cora each put in one song for each other. Knowing Cora’s previous choices, it was likely to be something mildly embarrassing. Last time it had been “Milkshake” by Kelis. She couldn’t even imagine what the song would be this time.

She always chose some ridiculous power ballad for Cora as payback. Tonight she’d gone with a little Journey. She grinned into her glass.

As the first singer was about to be called up, her eyes moved toward the door. Jamie and Evan had just walked in. She watched as his eyes scanned the room, until they locked on hers. Any thoughts of moving on withered and died on the vine right then. He was still as sexy as ever, but all that aside, she really missed him.

“Seriously?” she asked, as she turned her head toward Cora.

Cora looked up from her phone and asked, “Seriously what?”

“Evan and Jamie are here.”

“Oh. Shit,” Cora said. “Do we need to leave?”

“No,” Taryn said. “Nope. I’m going to have a good time. All this back and forth is so exhausting. I’m just going to let it go.”

“Good idea. By the way, here they come,” Cora said, taking a sip of her soda.

Chapter 6

He really couldn’t escape her. He didn’t even know why he bothered trying. When Jamie had suggested they go to the little dive across the street, he hadn’t expected her to be there in the tiniest Halloween costume known to man.

She was like some sort of erotic fairy tale with her endless legs and low-cut dress. He really hoped Jamie didn’t want to hang out with Cora, but had seen him perk up as soon as he’d spotted her, Evan realized he wouldn’t be that lucky. Trailing behind, Evan dreaded having to go over there.

She’d made it clear that she didn’t want to be friends. That she couldn’t be. He got that. He’d been really close to the breaking point more than once, himself. Since their conversation, he hadn’t seen her. She didn’t stop by the store or hang out with him like most evenings. It was like they had broken up but they weren’t even dating. God, he fucking missed her.

Jamie slid around the back of Cora’s chair and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “Hey gorgeous,” he said.

Tags: Michelle Roth Second Chances Paranormal