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After a moment, she said, “Sure.”

He didn’t really feel like this was a conversation for instant message. Optimally, he would have liked to have had the conversation in person, but he’d take what he could get.

Picking up his phone, he scrolled through his contacts until he located her. He dialed, then waited for her to pick up.

Without any preamble whatsoever, she immediately asked, “What kind of conversations?”

Holding back a laugh at her abrupt greeting, he answered, “Well. For one, your dick-bag ex Peter messaged me on Facebook He’s a real piece of work, Chlo.”

He heard her groan from what he assumed was embarrassment, and then say, “Shit. I am so sorry about that. What did he say?”

“Don’t worry about it. He’s an idiot. It was nothing at all worth repeating, though.”

“Yeah,” she admitted. “He commented on the picture of us the night I posted it. I didn’t think he’d actually make contact with you though. I don’t know what possessed him.”


nbsp; “I imagine it was the fact we looked pretty cozy in the picture. Even your brother thought so.”

Silence stretched on for a moment and then she said, “Oh. Shit. Was he pissed?”

“Thanks for the concern,” he said, smiling now. “No. Everything is fine. He and I are all good.”

Chloe sighed in relief and said, “Even so. I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that because of a dumb picture. I didn’t even think about Deacon’s reaction when I posted it.”

“I told you to post the pictures. It’s fine, Chloe,” he said, then added, “It’s a great picture.”

“It is.”

Changing gears quickly, Chloe said, “So it sounds like you’re having an eventful week so far.”

Chris laughed and said, “Yeah. You could say that. You mentioned you were looking forward to the weekend. Big plans?”

“Nope. The opposite. I have CrossFit in the morning and then it’s a lazy Saturday for me. Maybe I’ll hit the beach.”

“You do CrossFit? That stuff is hardcore.”

“It’s only my third class. Don’t be impressed with me just yet. The last one I took, yesterday, almost killed me. I am so sore.”

“Why don’t you do something less strenuous?”

“Kelli talked me into it. You met her. The blonde?”

Cringing, Chris said, “The one that whinnies when she laughs?”

Laughing, Chloe said, “That’s mean. But yes. She’s usually too out of breath during class to laugh though.”

“You seemed to like her, I thought. The whinny killed it for you?” Chloe asked.

“She was all right, but the whinny was too much. The only reason I stayed was because I wanted to hang out with you.”

“Speaking of that,” he segued, “wanna come over and hang out on Saturday? We could grill. I could let you try and kick my ass at Gridiron.”

Chloe was silent for a minute and then she said, “Try? It’s going to be really embarrassing when I utterly destroy you in your own home.”

“Big words, there.”

“I’m confident. That’s all. What time were you thinking?” Chloe asked.

Tags: Michelle Roth Private Relations Paranormal