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tension in the air.

We went through the next few paragraphs with a fine-tooth comb. Liam was calm and collected, explaining the reasoning for every demand and agreeing to discuss the changes we wanted with Becca and David.

We finished the document hours later. Skye clapped her hands, checking her watch.

“This is perfect timing. I’m just going to step outside really quick to call and check on my son, okay?”

“Sure. Take your time, Skye.”

My sister stepped out of the room, and I suddenly realized I’d been wrong. The tension instantly magnified until it was so thick I didn’t know how to act.

Liam’s eyes were trained on me. They were dark, sinful, demanding. He watched me silently for a few seconds. My skin simmered under his focus. My mouth suddenly felt dry.

“You seemed very opposed to this partnership last time.”

“No, I’d just been a bit overstressed reading the contract, but now Skye and I are on the same page.”

“You shouldn’t agree to this just for your sister’s sake. You have to want this too.”

“I know. I do.”

He tilted his head, as if he wasn’t quite convinced.

“You have very good arguments for everything you want,” I said. “Besides, you grew on me a bit yesterday during that delicious breakfast. I liked that you were open and didn’t mind sharing personal details.”

“I liked our breakfast too. And the kiss.”

My breath caught and my pulse went into overdrive.

“Liam...we set rules, remember?” I whispered.

“You broke them first.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I just brought up breakfast.”

“Really? And I thought breakfast was code for kiss and you were paying me a compliment.”

He stood up from his chair and moved around the desk until he was just a few inches away from me. His eyes were relentlessly trained on me.

I searched my brain for a safe topic. “When will we receive the revised contract?”

“I’ll discuss all your comments with David and Becca, and draft a new contract by the end of the week. I’ll send it to you as soon as I have it.”


“Tess...don’t sign anything if you’re not 100 percent sure it’s what you want. Not even for Skye’s sake.”

“Don’t worry; I won’t.”

“By the way, I’m still waiting for your assessment of our...breakfast.”

I laughed even though my heartbeat was intensifying again. “You just can’t stick to the rules, can you?”

I rested one hand on the back of a chair. He leaned in slightly, covering my hand with his. Oh my God. My skin was on fire. My mind just went blank. This slight touch was enough to remind me how delicious the kiss had been. It made me long for more. All I wanted to do was touch and kiss him.

But one thing at a time. This was a business meeting.

“I could...but why do that when the alternative is so enjoyable?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance