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“Thank you,” Lindsay said seriously.

“My pleasure.”

“So, what was the bad news you had?” Anne asked.

“CEO in LA quit. Now I need to find a new one.”

Anne grimaced. “We can’t catch a break, can we?”

“Seems not.”

“Who are you thinking of making CEO?”

“Denis, Hope, and Alyssa are on top of my list. Or I could hire some fresh blood.” Turning to Skye, I asked, “What would you do?”

“Promote from inside. They already know the company, and things will move faster.”

“That’s what my gut says too,” I replied.

Predictably, Lindsay got bored of business talk and asked me to show her how to ma

ke grilled cheese sandwiches. Five minutes into the process, she got bored of that too and preferred to play on Anne’s tablet. I finished the sandwiches, and when it was time to take them outside, Lindsay said she wanted to stay inside on the couch. Knowing she’d be fine, I went back outside to Skye and Anne.

With Lindsay out of earshot, I focused on Anne.

“How are you holding up?”

“Miserable. I’m happy he’s finally paying attention to her, of course. And don’t think you’re fooling me with that poker face. I know you scared him into it.”

“I admit it. I’m not even sorry.”

“I’m grateful you did it, honestly, because I can’t even bear to talk to him, and I want him to be in her life. But it’s the first time I’ll be without Lindsay in years, and I already miss her.”

I had no idea what to say.

“Let’s organize a girls’ evening next weekend,” Skye suggested.

Anne sat up straighter, finally smiling for real.

“I’d really like that. Just you and me?”

“The group would be a bit larger. My sister, our best friend, our brother’s fiancée. Depends who has time, but I think everyone’s in need of a girly evening.”


I had no idea how Skye could tell exactly what someone needed, but hell if I didn’t fall for her even more after this.

“I’m just going to check on what Lindsay’s watching and be back in a minute,” Anne said before heading inside.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Skye asked.

“No reason.”

Even though we both had challenges with our families and businesses, things between us were falling in place in a way I’d never imagined, but I was looking forward to whatever followed. No matter what, Skye was mine. I’d just realized we were a team, and I liked that so damn much.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance