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“This hot water has a weird effect on me.”

She laughed, wiggling her body against mine. “Why, because it’s making you reveal all sorts of things? I kind of like it.”

“I bet you do.”

She splayed her fingers on my neck, bringing her mouth to mine. She licked my lower lip with the tip of her tongue before slipping it in my mouth. I groaned, kissing her back just as wickedly.

Pulling back, she looked at me playfully. “Lay your head back on the edge.”


She pressed my shoulders down. I sank lower in the water, leaning my head back. Feeling her mouth moving down my neck was driving me insane.

“Skye, we’re not alone in the pool.”

“I’m just kissing you. And besides, the steam is pretty thick. We look blurred to anyone who’s paying attention.”

She was teasing me with small, chaste kisses, but they were completely messing with my senses.

“We’re moving into another tub in a few minutes anyway,” she said.

“No, I like what you’re doing.”

“Weren’t you complaining just a minute ago?”

“Not complaining. Warning.”

She was kissing my right shoulder now. I wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing her against me.

“Hey, you’re interrupting my exploration.”

“I want to feel you against me.”

“Hmm... that works too.”

I didn’t get her to myself for too long, because they informed us that our red wine bath was ready.

We walked to an adjacent room. It was very small, containing a stone basin. There were grapes and candles on the edges. We sat inside, and when we turned on the faucet, a red-colored water came out of it.

“That’s actual wine?” I asked, perplexed. “What a waste.”

“No, silly. It’s wine without alcohol in it. That would dry our skin.”

“Still a waste of perfectly good grapes.”

She rolled her eyes. “It has antioxidants. It’s good for us.”

Waste or not, I had to admit this whole evening was relaxing, and when the staff brought a platter with cheese and grapes, I learned something new about Skye: she loved cheese.

“This is my favorite thing to do to relax,” Skye said.

“You come here often?”

“I used to do it all the time before, but not since opening the store.”

“You’ve been here with another guy?” I asked. The question popped out all of a sudden, but then an image of Skye with someone else shaped up in my mind, in that corner of the pool, kissing him like she kissed me, and I was seeing red. No, just no.

“Think I’d waste this experience on random guys? Nah, I mostly came here with Tess.” She looked straight at me, pointing to my eyes. “What’s that? Possessive streak rearing up again?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance