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“Why are you smiling?” she asked.

“Eating macarons naked in my office in the dead of the night is a first for me.”

Skye grinned, fighting a yawn.

“Want to spend the night at the hotel with me?”

She yawned again before pointing at me. “Promise you’ll let me sleep.”

I gazed straight at her. “I don’t make empty promises.”

“Damn, so you’re possessive and potentially a sleep thief, and you think I’m still going with you?”

“Yes. Can’t wait to show you more sides of that possessive bastard. Might involve staying up all night.”

Skye laughed, stealing one of my macarons too. “What can I say? You sure know how to win me over.”

Chapter Nineteen


We ended up not going to sleep at all. I had no idea how that happened. One minute we were under the covers, talking about our lives and families, and next thing I knew, the sun was coming up.

“Wow, this is gorgeous. I haven’t seen a sunrise in years,” I murmured.

We didn’t even leave the bed, just turned on one side, watching through the enormous window of the hotel room. The cream-colored drapes were pulled all the way to the sides, so we had a great view of the sky and Central Park.

Rob w

as behind me, one arm around my waist. He drew the tip of his nose up and down my arm slowly.

“Hey, don’t miss the sunrise,” I teased.

“I’m just making the most of it.” He went on to kiss my shoulder and arm. Warm, fuzzy sensations skittered along my skin. I didn’t remember the last time I felt so content and just... happy.

“Should we order breakfast?” Rob asked, now moving dangerously close to my nipple. I shivered.

“Are they open this early?”

“Room service is available twenty-four hours.”

How could he talk and turn me on at the same time? That shouldn’t be possible.

“Sure, why not?”

Instead of ordering anything, he pushed me on my back, baring my breasts to him, and continued his ministrations. First, he drew the tip of his nose around my breasts, and then sucked on my nipples. I pulled at the sheets, licking my lips.

“Did you mean me when you said breakfast?” I teased.

Rob looked up, grinning. “That too. But I think you’re still a little sensitive from last night.”

I grinned back. “I am, but don’t let that deter you. You can move waaay farther down if you want to.”

Rob threw his head back, laughing, but he did just that.

Our breakfast arrived while we showered. It was all laid out on the table when we got out of the bathroom, wearing the hotel robes.

“Yummm,” I exclaimed as we sat down at the round table. We’d ordered eggs benedict, fried bacon, charred tomatoes, and some sort of red lentil puree. Everything was delicious. Afterward, I just leaned back in my chair, watching Rob get dressed. He only caught on as he was buttoning his shirt.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance