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“Yes.” Wow. He was seriously considering it? My heart was racing.

“Okay. There’s no furniture in here right now, but is there anything in storage?”

“The family took the furniture with them. I’m afraid we can’t help you with that.”

He frowned, rubbing his jaw. I could imagine he was the type of guy who preferred everything to be ready.

“Right. I’ll figure something out. Lastly, is your commission included in the costs on the website, or do they come on top? It wasn’t clear on the listing.”

Ha! He thought I was a realtor.

“Oh, I’m not getting a commission. I just wanted to help out the family. I’m not a real realtor... but I’ll help you facilitate everything.”

He cocked a brow, making me realize how odd that sounded.

“Their youngest daughter is sick, and they had to relocate to Houston. Finances are tight, and they didn’t want to lose money by giving a realtor a commission. I’m in charge of showing people the house, and they have a lawyer for all legalities,” I added even though he hadn’t asked for specifics. But everything from his body language to his tone of voice told me he was used to having all the details, used to being in charge. And damn, I liked that a little too much. I was hoping he wouldn’t use the information to lowball them, but in case he did, they could always deny his offer.

“In case any issues arise after the sale and I need to contact the previous owners, how do I go about it?”

“Through the lawyer or through me.”

“And how do I contact you?”

“Messaging, calling, or emailing will do. Or throwing stones at my window.” I smiled, and a strange hiccup sort of laugh escaped my throat. How can this be happening? “I’d be your neighbor. I live next door.”

“Excellent bonus point. You should’ve started with that.”

Holy shit. I almost swooned right there. My throat instantly dried up as Robert’s gaze perused my body, slowly and deliberately. I suddenly felt so hot that I wished I could down a glass of ice water right now... or even better, throw a bucket of ice all over my body.

The other couples descended in the next second, bombarding me with questions. It was mostly stuff already written in the listing, but I didn’t mind repeating it. I felt Robert’s gaze on me, determined and smoldering. He was quiet, but his presence still dominated the space. He was confident, sexy, as if he owned the universe.

I wondered why he wanted to live here. He looked like he belonged in a penthouse in Manhattan. The owners of the house insisted any interested parties should send me an application before so no one wasted my time. His position and last address had been in it, so I knew he was a hotshot CEO who was moving here from LA. Quite honestly, I couldn’t imagine having this sexy god as my neighbor.

“Right, I think we’ve covered everything,” I said after the last question. “Do let me know within seventy-two hours if you’re interested.”

“Can we take another look around?” a man asked. “We’ll just show ourselves out afterward.”

I was so happy, I could dance. They were going to take it, I was sure of it.

“Of course.”

“I’ll take another look too,” Robert said, gaze fixed on me.

Damn. There was that flash of heat again.


bsp; The second couple left as Robert and the pair who wanted to take another peek went upstairs.

This time, I did manage to call Tess.

“Hey, everything all right?” I asked.

“Yes, it was a successful evening. Twenty percent more sales than yesterday.”


“How did the house showing go?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance