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“Details. I can’t wait to taste you again, touch that sexy-as-hell lingerie you’re wearing.”

My eyes widened. My cheeks were on fire.

“You thought I didn’t notice?” he went on in that same low voice. “Just remembering how you felt... fuck.”

Okay, that last word had almost sounded like a groan. This flirtiness was escalating quickly, and we were in a public place. I thought it was best to take a step back, put a few inches of distance between us. I grabbed a ceiling strap for support. I hadn’t been holding on to anything before, thinking that if I lost my balance I could just... grab Rob.

For the rest of the journey, he followed my lead, not even attempting to close the space between us. When the train came to a stop at our station, he trapped me with his gaze again, and one thing was for sure: tonight wasn’t going to end just with kissing.

Chapter Thirteen


Outside the subway station, I gave him back the jacket regretfully. I quite liked having it on my shoulders, being surrounded by that delicious manly smell. I took in a deep breath. The energy of the suburbs was so different to that of the city. Everything moved slower; people were calmer. Most were commuters, like me. My friends hadn’t understood why I moved to a suburb, considering how much I loved Manhattan.

Not only did I want a bigger space than I could afford in Manhattan, but after spending the whole day in the hustle and bustle of the center, I liked slowing down in the evening.

I loved opening my window wide in the summer and hearing the birds, the sound of children playing outside and the trains passing in the distance.

Right now though, I wasn’t paying too much attention to anything. I was too consumed by the gorgeous man walking right next to me.

“So,” I said once I was in front of my house. “I want to freshen up really quickly, and then you can show me all those methods of yours.”

Rob grinned. “Looking forward to it. Just don’t take too long, or I might come banging down your door.”

“I need half an hour.”

He cocked a brow. “To freshen up? It’s already ten.”

“Fine, twenty.”

I was giddy as I practically ran to my house. Please, please, please, karma, don’t let things blow up in my face, because I don’t want to dread coming home every day.

I thought I’d calm down once I arrived inside, but instead, the opposite happened.

My nerves were even more frayed than before. I took a quick shower, then wrapped a silk robe around me and retrieved a set of lingerie from my dresser when I heard the bell ring.


There was no delivery at this time. Who could it be? I hurried downstairs with the lingerie set, which I quickly threw on the couch before fastening the robe tighter. I looked through the peephole.

Holy shit, it’s Rob! Have my twenty minutes passed? I glanced at the digital clock on my TV. Shit yeah, I was ten minutes late.

I was so not ready. My hair was wild, and my living room was a mess. But I couldn’t keep him waiting, so I opened the door.

“Fuck!” he exclaimed. One word was all it took for me to go from nervous to turned on.

My body instantly reacted to him, and my nipples turned hard. Rob dropped his gaze to my chest. His pupils dilated a notch. The look on his face was one of pure hunger. I stepped back in a silent invitation. He came in, closing the door behind him. My heart was thundering against my rib cage. I was barely fighting off the urge to press my palm to my chest.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” My voice was a little shaky, but Rob was watching me with such an intensity that I couldn’t even breathe. “Want something to drink?”

“I just came to take you to my house.”

“I know, but I’m not dressed yet. I could fix a drink for you while you wait.”

“Sure. You have whiskey?”


Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance