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To give myself something to do, I pulled out my phone, looking at the bookmarked sites. There was a scientific article about the best type of plastic to use in combination with fabric that was acceptable even for sensitive skin. I’d wanted to sink my teeth into it for a while, and the topic itself was not a quick read. I loved reading scientific articles on just about everything. My love for them started in college when I wrote a paper on biodegradable plastics and I needed to read up on all of the articles pertaining to the subject.

But I couldn’t concentrate on that either. Damn. My thoughts kept bringing Rob to the forefront. I had no idea how I’d even agreed to dinner with him tonight. All I remembered was that I’d braced myself against his charm the second he’d walked up to me. After he’d cleared up the sister and niece topic, I lost the battle. In my defense, he’d worn a mouthwatering outfit: a two-button suit. I couldn’t help wondering what kind of meeting on Sunday required that attire, but oh well, I was grateful for it. Rob looked delicious in it.

I’d planned to stop by my place quickly and freshen up, maybe even change out of my white dress, but I didn’t get a chance. Rob opened his front door as I approached the house.

“Hello, neighbor.”

“Hi,” I said back.

“Hope you’re hungry.”


He’d taken his suit jacket off but was still wearing the shirt and pants. I made a concerted effort not to look down his body... right until I realized he had no such qualms. His gaze rested on my shoulders before wandering farther down, stopping at my hips, and then traveling back up. My nerve endings lit up. Goodness, we weren’t even in the same room and I was on fire. I’d never been so insanely attracted to anyone.

He smiled as he opened his front door. Ushering me in, he put a hand at the small of my back. A bolt of heat jolted me straighter. On instinct, I glanced to him, only to discover he was watching me intently. He curled his mouth into a smile.

He knew exactly how he was affecting me. Everything in his body language, from the way he leaned in slightly to the way he kept his hand on my back, made it clear that he lured me in here with a purpose... and it was not exactly dinner between neighbors.

“Wow, you’ve unpacked fast.”

His living room and kitchen looked lived in already. There was a shelf behind the couch, and it appeared to be filled mostly with business books and thrillers. There was yet another bookshelf between the kitchen island and the window, this one filled with travel books and the occasional whiskey bottle.

“My sister was a big help.”

“Did she also decorate it? I remember you were stressed about the lack of furniture.”

He shook his head. “No, this is my stuff from LA.”

I liked his style. The couch and dining chairs were a matching blue color, and there was a black-and-white carpet on the floor. On the mantelpiece were pictures of him, his sister and niece, as well as some other people I didn’t know. I assumed family and friends. I loved that he liked surrounding himself with their photos.

“What are we eating?” I asked.

“Tuna steaks with sesame, soy, and honey, prawns masala, or vegetable curry. Your choice.”

“All three sound delicious. I don’t know how to decide.”

“Pick one for tonight, and we’ll find occasions for the rest.”

Ah, so whatever plans he had, they included luring me back again. I smirked, taking a step to the right. Maybe I could think clearer if I wasn’t so close to him.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First I have to make sure you’re actually a good cook.”

Amusement flickered in his eyes. Honestly, I realized he was a great cook just from the dishes he listed. They weren’t for the faint of heart.

“Let’s make a deal. If you like our dinner, you promise to stop by again,” he said.

Damn. How had I managed to talk myself into a corner?

“Dinner first. I vote for prawns.”

“Whatever the lady wishes.”

His tone was triumphant, which meant he thought he’d already won. Half an hour later, I knew why. His food was absolutely delicious. We’d set the table in the living room, and he paired the prawns with an excellent white wine. Damn. I couldn’t resist a man who could cook.

“I know you own restaurants, but I assumed you studied business management. Did you also go to culinary school?”

“Yes. After college, I did one year of culinary school in France. Plus, I started as a kitchenhand when I was sixteen. My parents insisted I work my way up in the company.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance