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“Oh, man, I need a break. Why did you bring the party to the edge of the dance floor?” Tess asked.

“I was just commending Cole on his talent to bring together yet another bachelor pack.”

“What’s the female equivalent to that?” Tess asked. “Bachelorette pack?”

Isabelle tilted her head, her fiery red hair falling in gorgeous waves. “Hmm... I don’t think there is an equivalent. Single?”

Tess laughed. “No, the single pack sounds depressing. We’ll come up with something, but not right now. Tonight is for dancing and having fun.”

Cole, Ian, and Dylan returned on the dance floor. The girls and I stayed at the edge, watching them. Mom waved at us from her table. I crooked a finger at her to join us.

“Girls, let’s get back to dancing,” she said.

“I agree,” Tess replied.

“You know, I never thought Ryker would settle down. Gives me hope that Cole might follow in his footsteps too. What do you think?” Mom asked.

Seeing as my brother’s goal was to charm a gal just for the weekend, I couldn’t see this happening soon. I didn’t have the heart to wipe off Mom’s hopeful smile, and neither did Tess, so we just grinned, leading Mom onto the dance floor.

As for Cole? He was dancing the shoes off one of Heather’s bridesmaids. She watched him as if he was the eighth wonder of the world, and he bestowed his trademark Charmer smile on her. Yep... heartbreaker alert right there.



“Holy shit, I have to send back half of this stuff,” Skye exclaimed. We’d just returned from the ob-gyn, who’d informed us that we were expecting a boy. On previous screenings, the baby had hidden from us, so it had been impossible to tell. Skye had insisted her intuition was telling her we’d have a girl, but now, only one week after the wedding, we finally knew.

Skye had jumped right into organization mode.

“Babe, stop. Breathe in.”

She bit her lower lip before smiling. “You’re right. I don’t know why I’m in such a frenzy.”

“Tu es adorable,” I whispered.

“Wait, I know what that means. I’m adorable, right?”

I chuckled. “Yes. You’re a fast learner.” She’d started taking classes recently, wanting to be able to teach our kid a second language.

“To be fair, ‘adorable’ sounds kind of the same in both languages.”

“Skye, this is what we’re going to do today. Relax for a bit, then make a li

st of all the girl items you bought and decide which to send back.”

“All of them.”

“Maybe our next kid will be a girl.”

Skye threw her head back, laughing. “I like your thinking.”

Gripping her hips, I led her away from the baby’s room.

“Let’s go in the backyard. I want to show you something,” I said, handing her a jacket and taking one myself. It was cold as hell outside.

“What is it?”

“You’ll see.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance