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“He meant work, not dancing. I asked twice. You were there.”

Except lately he thought he knew better, even more so than my doctor. He held my gaze captive until goose bumps formed on my arms.


“Rob... I’m going to dance. Anything against that?”

In response, he just pulled me flush against him, holding me so tight and possessively that my breath caught again. Damn, this man was determined to make me swoon before this day was over.

“You’re getting feisty already, wife.”

“What are you going to do about it?” I batted my eyelashes. “Give me the same treatment as you did the kitchen staff?” Tess had informed me just before the ceremony that Rob had scared the living daylights out of the servers and chefs with his this-is-how-this-will-go speech. “You just can’t turn off that bossy switch, can you?”

“I’ll show you just how on it is if you keep at this.” His gaze darkened at once. He tilted forward slightly, skimming his lips over my cheek to my ear.

“I love you, Skye,” he whispered.

“I love you too.” I leaned into him, breathing in his woodsy scent before pulling back, blushing. I kept forgetting we were at our wedding... surrounded by guests.

Looking around, I caught Anne’s gaze. She winked at me, and I winked right back. She was slowly getting back into the dating scene. Well, more like she’d encountered a hottie during the bachelorette party and sparks had been flying. Rob had successfully intimidated Anne’s ex into getting his shit together, so he was now regularly spending time with Lindsay.

Rob’s parents had flown in from France, and they were now cuddling their granddaughter. His grandfather had congratulated us via FaceTime. He said he didn’t want to face a trip across the ocean at his age. Rob promised we’d visit him soon.

The man looked eighty, tops, and was as charming as my husband. They even looked a bit alike—the same green eyes and cheeky smile. I kept teasing Rob that now that I knew how he’d look in sixty years’ time, I was even more sold on him.

Three dances later, I had to admit, I was spent. This was the downside of pregnancy. I tired fast. That, and the cravings. Oh, the cravings. Weirdly, I didn’t have a sweet tooth, but I did want everything I wasn’t allowed: cream cheese, sushi, medium-rare steak.

Guess who was watching me like a drill sergeant, making sure I didn’t break any rules? My husband. I loved him even more for it.

Grabbing my glass, I gulped down the ice-cold water before smoothing my hands down my dress. Alone at the table, I couldn’t deny it, I was on pins and needles.

Mom sat next to me a few moments later. Could she feel that I needed her?

“How are you, sweetheart?”

I pointed to my smile. “Happy, but also super nervous.”

She took one of my hands between hers. My pulse slowed down at once.

“Enjoy your happiness, darling. Don’t be afraid of losing it. As long as there is love, respect, and understanding between the two of you, you can overcome everything. Money comes and goes. Health too. Some moments will be hard and trying, but if you just remember the things that made you fall in love in the first place, you’ll realize they are still there. They’ll give you strength. Choose to love and respect your man, and the rest will work out.”

She always knew what to say. I looked around the room at my family—they’d always be there for me. And Rob—I was sure we’d have a strong marriage. I’d never been more certain about anything.

“Thanks, Mom.” I was absentmindedly patting my belly and caught her looking at me.

“You know, I was thinking about retiring,” she said.

“How come?” I asked suspiciously. Not that we hadn’t hoped this for years, but I still wasn’t sure she was serious.

“I don’t have as much energy to run the school as before, and with my first grandkid on the way... I’ll have plenty to keep me occupied.”

The corners of my mouth twitched, but I didn’t dare laugh. So this was the secret to getting my mom to slow down a bit: give her a grandchild.

She placed an arm over my shoulder and a hand on my belly.

“Mom, thanks for being there whenever I need you.”

“Always.” She smiled, glancing at the dance floor. Just then, my husband walked up to Mom, holding out a hand.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance