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Even though I made good money, I remembered only too well what it was like to not have any to spend it on frivolities.

Hunter set down his menu. “Josie, I’ll pay for any extra costs you’ll have because of this... issue.”

I rolled back my shoulders. “What? Why?”

“Because it’s fair. I can’t expect you to empty your account to keep up with my lifestyle. You’re the one doing me a favor. Don’t forget that. You can use the money only to buy whatever it is that you need for these outings. You can sell or donate all the clothes once it’s all over if it makes you feel better.”

Damn. He actually was making sense. I would be needing fancier clothes to mingle with his crowd, and I certainly wouldn’t want to blow my paycheck for that. Until now, we’d mostly spent our time together doing things we could both afford. But if I were his wife, I would have to join him everywhere.

“This sounds a lot like I’d be... kept.”

“That’s not what it is. You know I’m making sense.”

He held my gaze stubbornly, as if daring me to contradict him. I felt my cheeks flush.

“I forgot how persuasive you are,” I said finally.

“I sense you’re going to give me many opportunities to prove that skill.”

“Are you saying I’m stubborn?”

“Very stubborn.” His gaze dropped to my mouth for a split second before snapping back up to meet my eyes.

I swallowed, then sipped my cocktail to give myself something to do. Why was I suddenly out of sorts?

“We should plan our next steps,” I said. “Your current visa is still valid for a year,

but I think it’s best to move things along as soon as possible. You’ll get your green card quicker.”

“You want us to announce it to the family Saturday at Amelia’s birthday?”

My stomach rolled. This was it, right? Once we told the family, there would be no going back.

“Okay. I’ll talk to my family too. And the wedding?”

“As you said, the sooner the better. Three weeks?”

“That’s not very believable.”

Hunter leaned in, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Josie, no one would question that I’d convince you to marry me in three weeks. We’ve known each other for most of our lives. We know everything there is to know about one another. Why wait when we’re so in love?”

Well, damn. He sounded so persuasive that I wasn’t questioning it either. And I couldn’t argue. The faster the better.

“Fine, Mr. Fiancé. I’m accepting your very romantic proposal.”

Hunter grinned. “And I didn’t even have to get down on one knee.”

I flashed my left hand. “I’m still expecting a ring. Don’t think you’re off the hook about that.”

“Yes, ma’am. Your wish is my command.”

Our dessert was delicious, and the cocktails complemented it perfectly.

“I know you want another round of the crème brûlée,” Hunter said after we’d cleaned our plates.

“Who wouldn’t? But it’s best if I stop while I’m ahead. I have a wedding to get ready for.”

“You are fucking sexy, Josie.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance