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“So, how do you want to celebrate?”

“Maybe we can go out tomorrow.”

“Isn’t that when you go to happy hour with the girls in your department?”

She pulled out of my arms, wrinkling her nose.

“No. Right now I’m not looking forward to spending time with them outside work to be honest. They’re still not over the fact that I’m dating you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

She shrugged. “It’s not that bad.”

Everything in her body language contradicted that statement. Brooke was sociable and outgoing, and I knew just how much she valued getting along well with her coworkers.

“Brooke. I want to know when something’s bothering you. Even if we can’t find a quick fix, we can brainstorm about solutions. I’m your person, remember?”

She smiled, nodding. “I know, but this will pass. I just think I have to grit my teeth through it, you know?”

“That sounds awful. I don’t want you to have to grit your teeth through anything. I want to protect you from anything and anyone who tries to hurt you. I’ll talk to Graham—”

“No, you won’t.”

“I’ll talk directly to Sheila and Veronica, then.”

“Jace, they are my coworkers. I’ll deal with it.”

This situation was clearly making her uncomfortable, and I didn’t want her to feel like she had to make apologies for being with me. I loved her. I’d always been the kind of guy who went with the flow and didn’t think much about the future. Now, I not only wanted to think about the future, but I had a clear vision of it. I wanted to give Brooke my last name.

Chapter Twenty-Six


The yearly Lords gala event was coming up in a few days, just before the playoffs started. Jace and I decided it would also be a good opportunity to attend it as a couple.

I wasn’t sure if it would help turn around the mood at the office, but I loved Jace, and I was determined not to allow anyone to make me feel bad about it, as if I was doing something wrong.

He’d gone solo to the yearly gala event for as long as he’d been attending it. All Lords employees were invited, so I was going anyway, but as a player’s plus one, I’d be in the spotlight. That meant I needed a new dress. And since I was splurging on that, why not add some shoes into the mix? Usually I didn’t mind shopping alone, because I was the kind of shopper who took forever analyzing every angle, driving everyone else insane, but this time I wanted company. I called Hailey. I liked my style, but Hailey took class and sophistication to a whole new level.

“Rodeo Drive?” Hailey had suggested.

“Ohoho, not ready to empty my bank account yet. Macy’s?”


Hailey was already in front of the store when I arrived. She was wearing Louboutins, a wrap-around dress, and a light jacket that was appropriate for early November weather. The sun still shone, but once you stepped in the shade, it was chilly.

“How do you walk around with those heels all day?”


“Tell me at least that you take them off while you sit at the desk.”

Hailey raised both brows. “That’s for cheaters.”

“Well, I cheat. All day long. But I wouldn’t mind wearing something like that to the gala.”

“I know just what you need.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance