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I’d straightened to rearrange my pillow, and I’d automatically sucked in a breath—it was easier to deal with the pain that way.

“I am in some pain but nothing major.”

“I don’t buy that.”

I wanted her here. The thought of Brooke being in my hotel room after a game... I liked that. One of the reasons I hadn’t gone to Jim’s Irish tonight was that I just didn’t like the general vibe, which included women coming onto us.

But this, lying in bed and talking to Brooke... this was just what I needed. I wanted to give her what I hadn’t been able to give anyone else—and I’d better be able to do it.

I almost asked her yet again to fly with me to a few away games but stopped myself just in time. I was pushy, but I remembered how wary she’d been last time I brought this subject up. I didn’t want to come on too strong and scare her away.

“Bet those lips could make me forget any kind of pain.”

“You’re so predictable, Jace Connor.”

“What can I say? I’m easy to please. Brooke, seriously, don’t worry. I’m gonna be good as new before our next game.”

“You’re playing in the next one?” She almost screeched the sentence. Something heaved in my chest. Was it bad that I liked how indignant she was on my behalf?

“Yep. As I said, not much damage done.”

“Will you stop saying that? The more you say it, the less I’ll believe it. It’s like when someone keeps telling you they’re fine to hide that they’re not.”

“I’ll have you perform a full-body check when I’m back.”

“That’s in five days.” We were flying to San Diego to film a promo spot.

“Would you like to do one via video chat? It’ll be less fun, but I’m adaptable.”

She laughed and didn’t stop for a few seconds. “Oh my God. What am I going to do with you?”

“Be very thorough in the checkup when I’m back. I’m warning you, I’ll be very demanding.”

“You always are, Jace.”

“I don’t remember hearing you complain.”

“Mmmm... that’s because I like it. You make me discover new things about myself. Listen, my sister’s here. I have to go back to her. Can we talk later?”

“Sure. Tell her hi from me.”

“I will.”

Despite the pain, I smiled as she hung up.

I couldn’t wait to be back in LA. Damn away games. I couldn’t believe I had to wait another five days until I saw her. We spoke every day and exchanged texts. I liked sending her short messages throughout the day, even if it was just to share a funny picture, or to tell her what I was having for lunch. Her replies always cheered me up, made me feel as if I wasn’t so far away.

I called Val next.

“Tell me nothing’s broken” were the first words out of her mouth. The hushed voices in the background were loud enough for me to realize I was on loudspeaker.

“Nothing’s broken.”

“I told you,” Will said. “He’s tough.”

“Yeah, but that looked bad,” Hailey supplied. Someone agreed with her, and I thought it sounded like Paige.

“Dinner going on so late?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance