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“Have a great week, hot stuff. That’s it? No name?”

I couldn’t hide my shit-eating grin, but in all fairness, I didn’t try very hard.

“My lips are sealed,” I informed the girls.

“You’re mean,” Sheila said.

“I don’t want to jinx it.” That was true in more ways than one.

“Hmm, so that means it’s just starting.”

“Yep.” Also true.

“Well, girl, if you decide you don’t want him, I’ll take him. I’d love a man who sends flowers just so you have a good week,” Veronica said, and I detected a little jealousy in her voice.

No chance in hell. I’d thought about chastising Jace, because this wasn’t a safe move, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It was too sweet and thoughtful, even if a bit daring. I sent him a text to thank him.

After everyone minded their own business again, I set the flowers right next to the stress ball. A strange warmth filled me. I had a full day ahead of me, and I started by talking to Carl Hill. His company produced footwear, had been one of the team’s main sponsors for years, and he’d wanted one of the boys to be the face of their newest line.

He was torn between Andrew and Jace. Levi had been heavily hinting that he wanted to snatch up this opportunity. Carl had considered him too, but his interest had subsided because Levi had fully embraced the wild side of the soccer player lifestyle: partying and drinking. As a result, his performance on the field suffered.

Secretly, I was keeping my fingers crossed that Carl would go for Jace, but I presented both players impartially.

I had devised a rating system using various criteria: social media influence, consistency throughout the season, and so on.

I’d also mentioned the foundation in conjunction with Jace, because I firmly believed it was a plus point, and it turned out I was right. Carl thought it would make him look good.

“I’ll think about it over the next few weeks and get back to you, all right?” he said.

“Sure. I’ll be in touch.”

I was certain he’d go with Jace, and it made me immensely happy. I couldn’t wait to share this with Jace, to see him light up at the prospect.

I loved that he put so much passion into everything, and that he was always ready to go the extra mile. I was right there along with him, ready to do the same. God, I was already so deeply involved in this. I stopped typing, drawing in a lungful of air. After the way things had ended with Noah, I thought I wouldn’t be able to open up again, and yet, I could feel it happening. I was a little scared.

In the evening, I managed to convince Sheila to hit the gym with me instead of going with the PR girls to the next-door bar for happy hour, as we sometimes did. She was a fun workout partner, but she was no Jace.

There was nothing quite like a sweaty, muscle-flexing Jace to motivate me to push myself past my limits.

Halfway through our workout, the universe granted me my wish because Jace strode into the gym. He walked right up to us. The edgy glint in his eyes gave me goose bumps.

“Hello, ladies.”

“Jace, don’t tell me you’re going to work out after all the games you’re having,” Sheila exclaimed.

“Believe it or not, this is how I relax.”

Sheila rolled her eyes. “Well, I usually relax with a cocktail, but Brooke here convinced me to give the treadmill a try. I’m going to the bar afterward.” Looking at me, she said, “Are you sure you don’t want to join us?”

“Already have plans. Sorry.”

“Meeting Mr. Mysterious?”

“Oh?” Jace prodded. I narrowed my eyes. I was meeting him afterward.

“Yes,” I replied, keeping my voice even.

“She got flowers today from some guy she’s started dating. She smiled like a lunatic the whole day.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance