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“His daughter. She’s a very talented business developer. It was perfect timing. Bree left, and we had a hard time replacing her. Then Coach Derringer came to me and said his daughter was looking for a change of scenery. She’ll do great with us, I’m sure of it.”

I was sure of it too. I couldn’t get Brooke out of my mind. Those blue eyes were branded in my memory, and so was the curve of her waist and that of her neck. I’d fantasized more than once about tilting it just right so I could have all the access I wanted.

“She seems very competent,” I offered. I kept the part where I thought she was smoking hot to myself. Graham wouldn’t appreciate that comment.

During dinner, I talked to Will and Paige about my schedule this week. They ran an education center that offered various trainings to people from impoverished backgrounds, especially those who were homeless. I’d shown up a few times just to bring in a fun factor, but I was looking for ways to involve myself more.

“We’ll find something,” Paige said. I respected her a lot. She’d been the one who had the idea for the foundation and roped Will into it. My brother had been a detective with the LAPD before. I deeply believed that everyone should follow the career they wanted, but I couldn’t lie: I was relieved that Will had switched to a safer job.

After dessert, Milo begged me to play soccer with him again. He was also preparing a surprise for Lori’s birthday, and I was his partner in crime. He still needed help with a few details, and I was always full of ideas.

“You two look a little guilty,” Hailey commented as Milo and I got up from the table.

“Course we do. I’m about to go be a bad influence,” I supplied.

“I have to up my game in this department. You speak as if you were the only troublemaker.”

I shrugged, exchanging a conspiratorial glance with Milo. “I think it’s time for you to admit I’m the head troublemaker.”

“I vote for Uncle Jace too,” Milo said.

Hailey narrowed her eyes at Milo and me before we headed out.

We spoke about Lori’s party more than we practiced, and after I ordered some supplies on my phone, I noticed an unread email from Brooke. She was informing us that she’d attend the photo session next Tuesday, and that she wanted to talk to each of us, get some information prior to our one-on-one meetings.

I sent back a short email.

Jace: Sounds good.

Brooke: If there’s anything you’d like to discuss in particular, let me know and I can prepare some ideas.

I’d seen her at the club a few times, and it was clear that on the first day, she’d gone the extra mile to dress more conservatively, probably to make a good impression. The other glimpses I’d had of her, she’d been more casual: jeans and polo shirts, occasionally a skirt. She seemed to prefer keeping her hair in that tight bun, and her exposed neck turned out to be my kryptonite. Every time I glimpsed her, I wondered how it would feel to run my lips over that delicate skin. I emailed her back, trying to keep my mind out of the gutter.

Jace: I’m tied up with something this weekend, but we can just exchange ideas on Tuesday.

Brooke: Sure.

Her replies were fast. Why was she still working so late? Was she still at the club, or was she at home, perhaps sitting in a comfortable chair, with a glass of wine? Coach never spoke about his family, and I wanted to know more about Brooke.

I was looking forward to Tuesday, and even more to our one-on-one meeting.

Chapter Three


Tuesday was only my fifth day on the job, but I was full of enthusiasm. Today, I was heading out to the pitch where the team was having their photos taken for one of our sponsors. It was almost dinnertime, and my presence was not required, but my purpose for heading there was twofold. One: I wanted to get to know the players better and schedule those one-on-one meetings. And two: I really, really wanted to indulge a little, watch all those Greek gods parade around. If anyone wanted to blame me for that, they could go ahead and do it. A girl had to indulge from time to time, and what better occasion than one where she could combine business with pleasure?

I loved my new workplace. I’d loved my old one too, but tensions had escalated to the point where I had to leave. Over the past few months, I’d been through quite a lot of changes. I didn’t just have to leave my old job, but my ex-boyfriend proved that he wasn’t the man I thought he was. Ever since, I couldn’t help but sigh with melancholy whenever I saw a couple holding hands, or I held a cuddly newborn baby. Maybe love was simply not in the cards for me.

But hey, maybe everything did happen for a reason. If things had played out differently, I wouldn’t be here today, and the LA Lords was an exciting place. Graham Frazier was one of the sharpest men I’d met. Soccer club owners were usually also involved in other businesses to support themselves, but the LA Lords was a very profitable endeavor. The club attracted numerous sponsors and sold a lot of merchandise. Graham had now opened a restaurant as well, but from what I’d heard, it was driven by his passion for cooking and not motivated by financial gain.

The players were already out on the field when I arrived. As the photographer called up the guys one by one, I approached the ones who were waiting their turn, keeping my iPad ready, making appointments. I’d just finished with Andrew, the captain, when I had the uncanny feeling that someone was watching me.

As discreetly as possible, I glanced to my right and caught Jace looking at me. That look. I didn’t know if he was being charming on purpose, or if it came naturally for him, but my entire being reacted to it. I wasn’t even sure he was charming in person. While that smile deserved its own category in the swoon-worthy department, he could very well be one of those people who exuded charisma until they opened their mouth. I’d barely exchanged a few words with him. He was still waiting his turn. I promptly turned my focus on my iPad, steeling myself before walking over to him.

“Hey, you!” he greeted jovially. “I was wondering when my turn would come.”

“Sorry, but I knew the photographer scheduled you toward the end, and I wanted to get to the others before they left.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance