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Graham nodded. “You’re right. That was my gut feeling too, but it’s good to have confirmation.”

It felt great to be appreciated.

“What do you suggest?” Graham went on.

“Well, our boys are already covering a rather large palette of industries between their sponsorship contracts. I’d suggest that instead of adding more industries, we work on raising the team’s profile on a national level. I know it’s not easy. We’re not the only team in this country, but a few of the boys have achieved national recognition, which will help raise everyone else’s profile. I’ve contacted several national magazines and heard back from a few. They’re interested in in-depth spreads.”

The PR department usually took care of this, but I had a green light from them and Tina.

Graham whistled. “I knew you could pull it off, Brooke.”

Tina smiled at me, and I barely bit back a grin. Yep, I was most certainly ditching the image of coach’s daughter. They were finally seeing me as a competent professional. I inwardly cringed, imagining what they’d think if they knew about me and Jace.

Why did I have to go ahead and muddle things? It was one thing to relax around my coworkers and be friendly with them, and another thing altogether to get so personally close to a player.

Had I not learned anything from my breakup with Noah? If I hadn’t been dating him or been best friends with Cami, I’d still be at the magazine, spearheading the LA office.

I didn’t even know what Jace was after. For us to be friends with benefits? From what he’d told me about his personal life, he hadn’t had serious relationships, which was okay with me. After believing for a few years that Noah and I were going to have it all, I just didn’t have it in me to even consider dreaming again, not when the fallout had left me in such a disastrous place, both emotionally and financially.

We’d been living together in a gorgeous apartment that I wasn’t able to afford on my own, so after the breakup I’d been lucky to find the rent-controlled apartment I currently lived in.

As the meeting ended, I asked Tina and Graham for a few minutes of their time.

Once everyone else filtered out, I said, “I didn’t want to bring this up when everyone else was here because it’s a detail that doesn’t concern them, but I’ve been trying to work out a timeline with Fashion W. They want a photo shoot with the entire team, and the only blocks of time when all the boys are free is either in two weeks, or the three-day break before the final game. I’d rather they fly out to New York in two weeks so they can rest before the final.”

“That sounds reasonable,” Graham said, “though some are likely to protest having to cancel their plans on such short notice.”

“I’m counting on that, but if that timeline’s okay with both of you, I’ll communicate this to the team in person. It’ll be easier to respond to their complaints and reassure them that this won’t happen often, but it’s an opportunity we can’t miss.”

Tina shuddered. “This one’s brave. I wouldn’t want to face the boys and tell them they have to cancel their plans.”

Graham grinned. “Better her than us.”

I rubbed my hands. “Wish me luck. I’m going out on the pitch. Their practice is about to end.”

“Thanks for taking one for the team,” Tina said.

I chuckled as I left the room, heading straight to the pitch, still on cloud nine that my contributions to the meeting had been valued.

Practice was still going on when I arrived, so I sat in the stands, purposefully not going to the coach’s corner. Dad was on the field, shouting directions at the boys, but I still didn’t want them to see me there.

I relaxed, taking in the activity on the field, appreciating their game. Oh, who was I kidding. I wasn’t appreciating their game. More like the sexy-as-hell testosterone Jace was exuding.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I loved seeing him like this, laser-focused on his game, giving one hundred percent to every move. How could he be so laid-back in real life, and yet so balls-to-the-wall on the field?

When Dad blew the whistle, the boys ended the game, slowing their pace, then performing a few stretches. I stood up, waving so they could see me as I descended the steps to the pitch.

They formed a semicircle around me.

“What’s up?” Andrew asked.

“I wanted to communicate something to all of you, and I prefer to do it in person.” I swept my gaze to each player, willing myself not to linger on anyone in particular. I failed, of course, especially because Jace was pinning me with the same heated gaze from the morning when he went all alpha on me, asking me to cancel my date. I cast my glance away, looking at no one in particular while I spoke.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dad heading directly to the changing rooms. I’d thank him for that later.

“As I told you when I first took the job, I’m aiming to get some new sponsorships. To that end, getting the team national coverage is helpful. I’m happy to tell you that Fashion W is interested. They want a photo shoot and an interview with every player. However, finding time in everyone’s schedule has been a challenge. Their headquarters is in New York, and a round trip would take at least three days. I cross-checked everyone’s calendars, and you are all commitment-free in two weeks between the home game and the Phoenix game.”

Half of the team started to protest at the same time.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance