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When I walked back into the gym some twenty minutes later, I saw that Brooke had increased her tempo by at least three speed levels.

“You’re going too fast,” I commented.

“No, I’m not.”

“I bet you won’t last longer than ten minutes.”

She smirked, and unfortunately for her, chose to increase the tempo even more. She was done for in seven minutes.

“Holy shit, my legs feel like Jell-O,” she exclaimed when she stepped on the ground.

“Easy there.”

Instinctively, I reached out to steady her, grabbing her arm. The second my fingers touched her, goose bumps formed on her skin. Fuck me, those nipples looked even more perky than before, and I craved to taste them. Brooke freed herself from my grip, licking her lips.

“Okay, so I think this is enough training for one day. I’m going to shower and then finally get around to replacing my flat tire. Noticed it this morning when I parked but wasn’t in the mood to change it. I’ve been dragging my feet about it all day.”

“I’ll do it.”

She paused in the act of drying her neck.

“Thanks, but you’re all dressed. I still have to shower—”

“I’ll wait.”

“I can change a tire.”

“Yeah, but you clearly hate to do it. I don’t mind.”

I walked closer. I was towering over her and she looked up at me, swallowing. We were so close that her breasts nearly brushed against my chest. I was fighting against every instinct not to touch her. Remembering the way she’d reacted to my touch before was almost enough to break my resolve.


“I’ll change it.”

“You’re sure?”


“Okay. Thanks. I’ll be quick.”

“I’ll wait for you at the front entrance.”

To my astonishment, Brooke was ready in ten minutes. The glasses were back on.

“That was quick,” I commented as we walked outside to the parking lot.

“I told you I wouldn’t take long.”

“Yeah, but when my sisters say that what they usually mean is, sit down and have a drink or watch a movie. We’re gonna take our sweet time.”

She nudged me with her shoulder, wiggling a finger. “Hey! Don’t generalize, Mr. Fancy Forward.”

I joined in her game, leaning in closer. Too close, because I practically felt her take in a sharp breath.

“Or what?” I challenged.

“Ohoho, friendly warning. Don’t underestimate me.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance