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April grinned at me, giving me a thumbs-up, and Peyton ran straight into my arms.

“Carter explained that the bad guys didn’t win. So you won’t be worried anymore?” she asked.

“No, pumpkin, I won’t.”

She planted a wet kiss on my cheek. I ruffled her curls.

“Ms. Dodger said we’ll have a bake sale next week. Can you help me make cookies?” In a lower voice, she added, “Carter always buys them.”

I laughed, lowering her onto a seat. “We’ll make cookies, don’t you worry.”

While everyone was busy choosing seats and glancing at menus, I pulled Carter toward the back of the restaurant, into a small corridor.


“I have to warn you. Even though you put your skin on the line for me, my brothers might still throw one or two uncomfortable questions your way. It’s who they are. Don’t take it personally.”

“I told you I don’t mind. And if they do grill me, I think they’ll like my answers.” He laughed softly, cupping my head with both hands. “You’re an amazing woman, Val, and I love you.”

I’d hoped, of course, though I hadn’t dared to hope too much, just in case I was making it to be more than it was. “I’m not expecting you to say it back, but I wanted you to know.”

I buried my face in his neck, smiling against his skin. “I love you too. So much.” He wrapped me in his arms, holding me tight.

“I’m not going anywhere, Val. I’m yours.”

I breathed in his masculine scent, melting in his arms. Then Carter brought a hand to the back of my head, tilting it so he had access to my mouth, and kissed me until my center pulsed. I clenched my thighs, but it was impossible to ignore the ache forming there.

“I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”

I shuddered at the sexy promise in his voice. “The party will last about three hours.”

His gaze smoldered. “Three hours. And then you’ll be all mine.”



We returned to the group afterward. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I liked to see her like this: carefree and happy. For weeks she’d seemed to be carrying a weight on her shoulders, and I was glad that was over today.

Val was successful. Many would like to take her down. I’d stand between her and anyone who tried—they’d see exactly how ruthless I could be. They wouldn’t get past me.

She loved me. I had no idea what I’d done to deserve this—to deserve her.

Everyone was chatting animatedly as Val and I sat down. She looked furtively around the table, as if trying to gauge if anyone had noticed our absence.

Jace grinned, catching on immediately. “Don’t worry, sis. We all saw you disappear around that corner. Will and I were betting on how long it would take you to come back. He actually thought you wouldn’t come back at all.”

Will groaned. Jace winked at his sister. “But I had a little more faith in you. I knew you wouldn’t ditch us.”

“Of course not.” Val’s cheeks went pink. She was adorable.

Hailey cocked a brow at Will and Jace. “You two are taking hazing to a whole new level.”

“We learned from the masters,” Jace volleyed back.

Landon cleared his throat from a few seats away. “Jace, I’m changing my mind about letting you give that speech.”

“Way to have faith in me.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance